Title: Silence Is The Loudest Sound Of All
Muses: Trevor Severus Longbottom and Severus Snape
Prompt: Severus...and Severus bonding
Timeline: Set in several timeframes, starts one year after
grownhp6wordsAuthor's notes: Happy Christmas...again....To My
the_iscariot He is six years old and has run out of things to do. Which can be very dangerous if your name is Trevor Severus. The boy is anything but a little angel, and if his Mum didn't keep an eye on him, well everyone would be in trouble. No worries though all is well for the moment, for he is currently sitting in his room racking his tiny brain for the slightest bit of excitement to free him from his prison ruled by boredom. School is still in session so roaming the halls is definitely not a possibility, BUT, "AH HA!" He can play spy and rummage through some of his parent's old things.
So trying oh so hard to be stealthy, the little gremlin quietly moves through the rooms, diving behind whatever piece of furniture is available when he spots one of his siblings or his Mum. He's done this a million times, sneaked into his parents room and went through their stuff. He is fascinated by all the things they've done and seen, finding himself most intrigued by all the letters. Unlike his brothers, he can read and sometimes spends hours learning about his parents through the words written on parchment. He is pretty sure his Mum has saved every last letter his father wrote to her, and gosh were there a lot of letters. One thing is for sure he would never have any doubt that his parents love each other.
Slipping into his usual hiding spot, he picks up the box and begins to read where he left off before. Little hands unfold a rather aged piece of parchment, and little eyes widen as he reads the words. This time the letter is written to Severus Snape. This time it was his Mum's handwriting. This time it is a letter that was never sent.
Trevor Severus is not naive but it takes him reading and re-reading the letter ten times before he fully understands the story being told to him. His parents have always been very forthcoming with whatever information he seeks from them. He knew of the wars fought before he was born, and knew relatively well why. But this was something neither of them had told him before. Slowly his little mind wraps around why. "It must be a secret." He says to himself, realizing just how many of those must have to be kept to prevent things from falling apart. Folding the parchment back up, he places it in his pocket instead of the box where it belongs. He can keep a secret just as well as those who came before him, but that doesn't stop him from asking his Mum what date the battle at Azkaban fell on eleven years prior. (If asked later he won't be able to tell you what lie he told her when she asked "why?").
"So today it is then." He says before straightening his clothes and approaching the Headmaster's office. Playing spy has really come in handy, the six year old is extremely good at eavesdropping and just so happened to drop upon the password that unlocks the door one day. Looking around to make sure no one is watching, he mutters the password then slips through the door. Once in the room, he walks over to the desk and stands up on his tiptoes.
The first thing Severus sees is two little hands grabbing the end of his desk, followed by a pair of big dark eyes staring into his own. "Mr. Longbottom?"
Trevor has never found Severus to be intimidating, but for some reason today he's nervous about asking him. Shuffling his feet he looks down.
The Headmaster can sense something isn't right with the boy, so he stands and moves to kneel in front of him. "Something wrong Trevor?"
The boy shakes his head and looks back at him. "I was umm...can I....umm I want to spend the day with you." There he said it, and it wasn't that hard...yeah right.
Thrown a little Severus raises his eyebrows.
Little arms outstretch producing colours and a colouring book. "I brought colours."
The boy suddenly looks remarkably like his father, and Severus takes note of the day....it's the exact day eleven years later. Because of that he can't say no to Neville's son. So he sits on the floor and asks for the yellow crayon.
Five years later he is eleven years old and determined not to go to class on THIS day. For five years he's done the exact same thing on THIS day. Just because he's started school now doesn't mean that is going to change. As he quietly slips from his bed, as to not wake his bunkmates after all they wouldn't wake for at least another hour yet, his mind runs over the course of this year so far. He can't remember ever being so proud as the day he officially became a snake. Just like him. He had thought before glancing at the table and giving his father a smirk with his lips, but a smile with his eyes.
With the letter folded in his pocket, he made his way to the spot that had been agreed upon. Every year it is the same, only now that he was older colouring had passed and they spent the day doing more age adept things. Whether Severus will ever admit it or not, he is becoming a mentor to the boy. They spend the day mostly in silence, but neither seem to mind. And every year Trevor comes close to giving Severus the letter folded in his pocket.
Seven years have come and gone. The boy has become a man, a man who despite everything has grown into himself with more ambition and drive than most people ever hope to acquire. He owes a lot of that to his mentor.
Once again that day has seemed to creep up on them...and they find themselves falling into an old familiar pattern. Trevor Severus is sitting adjacent from the man who has taught him more on this day over the years than he will ever know. Only this year is different, this year Trevor is going to break their usual comfortable silence. "Sir, I'm not naive enough to believe that you do not know why I have requested to be in your company the same day every year. You know just as well as I do why I am here. That being said," standing he reaches into his pocket. "Every year on this day, I have this in my pocket. I've come close on several occasion to handing it over, but I didn't feel the time was right. I needed to make sure there wouldn't be any repercussions for making my knowledge about this known." He walks over and places the old parchment into Severus' hands. "I know how we feel about sentiments, so you can be assured that you won't be getting many from me, but..." Without thinking, Trevor wraps his arms around the other man and hugs him tight. "Thank you."
When asked Trevor Severus can lie on the spot about why he admires Severus Snape so ardently. Only Severus and himself know the truth without having to speak the words, because sometimes silence is the loudest sound of all.