I'm actually getting into the webcomic on
The Old Republic site, which is strange since I've never been able to get into characters that I was unfamiliar with (Star Wars-wise). Never been an online gamer, though, so here's hoping it doesn't suck once the game actually comes out. It will be nice to actually find something hubby and I can do together and be at home doing it instead of going out all the time.
I'm such a homebody. :P
Also, I'm such a nerd that I translated some of the Aurebesh into English... -.- And found discrepancies that annoy me... such as using "trill" and "herf" instead of "thesh" for the "T" and "H" in all the words that had a "T" and "H" like "the" and other things... *sigh*
my nerdiness is complete...