I don't know how this would work into the story or where it would go... but it just seemed so Kitty to me.
Marvel owns the characters. I do not. I'm just playing with them for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of others.
Dear Piotr,
I am so excited we got a chance to meet! I have been reading about you and Spider-Man in the Daily Bugle since I became an X-Man. It is too cool that I got to talk with a celebrity, even if you are considered an outlaw and dangerous. I can live with outlaw and I can live with danger. It’s exciting. And I think it’s great that we have the outlaw status and the fact that we’re both mutants as a common denominator between us. Say, have you ever been to space? Maybe we could have a cool adventure like Luke and Leia!
So, you’re from Russia right? I’m from Deerfield, Illinois. I’m Jewish. What brought you to America? Do you have any family here? What’s Russia like? I think your English is great. I know I said so before, but I just wanted you to read it to confirm it. There are so many colloquialisms in the English language that, I’m sure, most Americans get confused on, too. So don’t worry about the slip up when we first talked.
When is your birthday? Mine is June 1st. I’ll be sixteen. I think that my teammates are going to throw a surprise party, but I’m not sure. I’ve got to use my ninja skills and find out more information. It’s kind neat being a ninja who can walk through walls. It's too bad that I had to learn to be the ninja I am the way I did, but I won't bore you with the icky details.
I thanked you before, but I’ll do it again. Thanks (and Spider-Man, too) for coming to our rescue and giving us the extra muscle. I got an eyeful! Cyclops says that, had it not been for your abilities, Dr. Doom and his Doom-bot army might have actually won and then he would have become a big threat to New York and possibly the world. You have no idea how much we appreciate it. And I got an A on my physics exam thanks to the neat stuff I learned and saw when you grabbed that cable and used yourself as an electrical conduit. Professor X was really impressed! Oh, and tell Spider-Man that I'm glad I got a chance to meet and talk with him too. He seems a pretty decent super hero.
Well, anyway, I feel like I’m rambling, but it’s nice to have someone other than the X-babies New Mutants to talk to. Or rather write to. I hope you write back soon. I am totally looking forward to reading letters from you. I hope you don’t forget me. I would really love to be friends.
Sincerely yours,
Katherine “Kitty” Pryde
AKA Shadowcat of the X-men
P.S. Enclosed you will find three photos. The first is my ninth grade school picture (I look like a dork) that I’ve also sent to my parents. The second is a sneak picture taken by Ororo (that’s Storm, by the way) of me playing a trick on my fellow students, Sam and Doug (Cannonball and Cypher). And the third is a group picture of the X-men and X-Babies New Mutants for the school year book last year. I wrote on the backs so you know which ones are which.
P.S.S. Please don’t forget to write. Remember, you promised to keep in touch!
Bye again,