AU Fic Ideas

Dec 12, 2008 20:15

I read a fic recently on that used Piotr's profession from the 90s cartoon and it got my gears rolling on another fic.  I'll have to look up the fic because I can't remember the name, what it was about, if it was any good or who wrote it.  I only remember that Piotr was a construction worker.

Back story:

Colossus isn't part of the "All-New, All Different" X-men.

Piotr Nikoleivitch Rasputin lives in Russia, however, poverty got so bad that his parents insist that 16 year old Piotr move to America with some relatives. They end up in New York City where Piotr is a dish washer and also works construction, he has to learn English the hard way (actually studying it) and attends night school before going to his dish washing job.

An accident happens at the construction site and Spider-Man swoops in and saves the day. Piotr and Spidey become good friends. Later, in a fight between the Green Goblin and Spider-Man, Piotr’s apartment gets trashed. Feeling extremely bad for his friend, Spider-Man offers for his ‘friend’ Peter Parker to talk to him about being a roommate. And eventually Piotr learns that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.  Spider-Man gives Piotr the name of Colossus when he finds out that he's a mutant.  They fight bad guys as a team.

When the X-men team up with Spider-Man (for big bad guy thing, maybe Dr. Doom), Piotr meets Kitty Pryde for the first time. She is about 14 or 15 then. Though there is an age difference, Piotr is intrigued with Kitty.  Cyclops asks Piotr to join, but Piotr declines saying he likes what he's doing just fine.  Though Kitty and Piotr decide to keep in touch through birthday cards and an occasional letter, they don’t see each other again for another six years when Kitty is 21 and Piotr is 26 and now owns his own construction company.

The story begins when Arcade kidnaps his little sister, Illyana, who has aged without Limbo.  She's a teleporter through space only, not time.  No time travel in this story. (THANK GOD)  Her powers are a little different than 616 Illyana.
Piotr first turns to Spider-Man, who says that this job may be too big for both of them and suggests the X-men.  He and Spider-Man ask for help and rescue his sister.  Xavier asks Piotr to join them afterwards and Piotr turns to his friend Spider-Man for advice.  He is unable to answer however, as at that time, the Beyonder shows up and kidnaps the X-men and Spider-Man leaving Piotr and Kitty to fend for themselves.

And that's all I've got right now.
This requires Spider-Man research so this probably won't get written anytime soon.

fanfiction idea, alternate reality, spider-man, kiotr

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