I made some new icons, and I found a couple, via other people, that I liked, from
ladytalon I've been bored, lately.
Jamie finally has an address. His mother called me today with it, 'cause he called her this weekend. I can't blame him. She's just as worried as I am. But it doesn't make me miss him any less. So, sometime tonight, I'm going to sit down and write him a nice, long letter. And maybe also read.
My brothers leave tomorrow, to visit my grandmother, and will be back in, like, a week or two, for another week here before they go back down to Florida.
My mother is getting worse. I got no birthday gift or graduation gift from her, presumably because all I ever call her for is to ask her for money (uh, no.. actually, I usually call to talk to the boys) and also because I didn't send her mother (my Grandma Poole) a thank you card for the ever-so-personal money she gives me for birthday, EVERY FRICKING YEAR. At least my Aunt Jackie TRIES to make it personal. I'm her only niece, and she has no daughters, so she wants to turn me into the daughter, etc, she never had (though I don't much like the uber-feminine... but I try to be nice about it). Yeah. So, if I ever get G'ma Poole's mailing address, I'll send her a thank you card, with apology, and explanation that, oh, yeah... I WAS GRADUATING AND MOVING OUT OF THE DORM. And also... MY BOYFRIEND IS IN BOOT CAMP, AND I'LL BE THERE SOON, TOO! Grrrr!
On another note, I got these really great super soakers that you can use a modified camel-back with, for extra 'ammo' capacity. My friend Justin and I went against my brothers yesterday, and we slaughtered them. Of course, we were using military tactics, while the boys were turning on each other, but still.... *L* I don't think they understand the concept behind a "battle buddy". Hm. And Jason wants to be in the military, too. Yep. I see great things in his future. Meh.
My icon is making me dizzy. Hee hee ^^
Also, I'm sick. I think Michael brought it with him. Yeck.
I hate my mother.
I miss Jamie.
I want to stop being sick.