Long time no post...

May 27, 2006 03:30

Well, I was bored and was reading some pottersues tonight, when I stumbled across a fanfic Suethor whose HP fanfic got a rating of "bad". It was pretty irritating to read, however, curious, I went to her bio (GraceRichie) and stumbled across her Labyrinth fanfic, which actually isn't all that bad. She misspells a few words here and there, and forgets some commas, but otherwise, it's a pretty decent premise, and it read very well.

I have not yet gotten to writing morgancarraway's or captkatsparrow's fanfics of Firefly (Kaylee/Simon) and HP (OC), respectively. I'm afraid I might have to do them during basic, hand-written (gasp!) and hand-copied so that I can post them when I return. If that is the case... MIKE! I need your address so I can send it to you.

As it is, for Firefly, at least, I'm going to have to rewatch choice episodes of the series and see the movie again, but that doesn't bother me too much - I love the series and it's movie, after all.

I just finished reading this really interesting book called Dragon Champion. It's a story about a dragon, told from the dragon's perspective, and it's really a very captivating read. I've only occasionally stumbled across this sort of imagination-catching read, the kind I just couldn't put down. Another of the recent ones is called Poison Study, which has a sequel called Magic Study coming out in October, which I've already preordered. I don't even think the Harry Potter books were as captivating as Dragon Champion or Poison Study. Another one I couldn't put down is called Steal the Dragon, and I'm hoping there will be a sequel or at least something in the same setting by this author soon.

I'm not really sure what book I'm going to start on next - I've got many dozens to choose from. I'm thinking Inkheart, Changelings, Stone of the Stars, or perhaps The Decoy Princess, which I started on at the store but didn't pick up again. I also started reading a book called The Hidden Stars, but there's an overabundance of Gaelic-type names and words that literally make no sense, and the author doesn't ever seem to take a break with the endless description and action and suspense. I know some people go for that stuff, but you know... I like it when people catch a break on occasion.

I really miss Jamie. It's hard for me to sleep at night without him here. I stay up until early - usually I hear the first few beeps of my dad's alarm clock - before I crash for a few hours. I wake up feeling bad, and I know I have bad dreams at least some of the time.

I ran last night, or whatever you want to call it. A mile in fifteen minutes. Not good, but not bad either, I suppose. I've got until July to improve. I need to run more, exercise more, eat less, lose weight. I know I need to lose weight, because jeans I fit into only a few months ago won't even go past my hips now, so I'm forced into clothes that fit my hips but not my waist. I feel bad because I know I'm not in the same shape I used to be, and while I know it isn't that bad, the Army doesn't want me thick with fat. So, I have to get rid of it, somehow. At least some of it. So I've only been eating about one meal a day, drinking a lot, and now I'll start exercising. Hopefully I'll be in some form of decent shape when I go up to basic in July.

Anyways, I guess that's all for now. Dunno when I'll get around to updating again.


reality, army, jamie

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