May 10, 2011 22:27
My poor kitty isn't well. He's been at the veterinary clinic for two days now. He has 'feline lower urinary tract disease,' which is probably about as much fun for him as it sounds like. He should be fine, the vet said we caught it before it developed into a full blown emergency (kind of hard to miss the constant squatting), but it's going to be expensive to treat and I really miss having him around. He is such a good little cat. Big cat. He's almost fifteen pounds. Yeah, we should probably do something about his...bulk. Anyway, I'm hoping he can come home tomorrow, the apartment isn't the same without his annoying habits.
He should be a happy Squall though, the vet said to switch him entirely off dry food. I'm sure that makes up for the indignity of a kitty catheter and a cone of shame.
I need an icon of Anders and Ser Pounce-a-lot.
On that note, finished Dragon Age II for the fourth and time and managed to find the will power to start another game rather that start a fifth Hawke (admittedly that was mostly because I couldn't think of a name for my rogue male Hawke...). I'm playing Heavy Rain, which so far involves a lot of mundane tasks with melodrama thrown in ('Brush your teeth. Find the dinner plates. Look in your pockets for loose change. HOLY SHIT, A FAMILY MEMBER WAS JUST VIOLENTLY KILLED. Make a snack. Watch tv....'). It does seem like it has potential.
Speaking of potential, I jumped on the bandwagon and started reading A Game of Thrones. Some bits are bothering me (there are gender issues I'm totally giving the side eye, and the 'bad guys are slovenly or effeminate' trend I'm noticing is annoying), but overall I'm enjoying the novel and may pick up the rest of the series. It's certainly easier to get into than 'The Wheel of Time.'
video games,
cats are jerks,
i am sad