Citrus and rosemary in the garden, another sinus infection, and the school-level gifted program.

Nov 30, 2007 16:32

The cooler weather lately has encouraged the citrus on the patio to finally start looking ripe. I am hopeful we'll have fresh tangerines in December, but I'm not sure how much longer the Meyer lemons will take. I am tickled by how well they're doing outside after having them inside last winter (and no fruit to show for it). Vogon bought another rosemary plant. We'll see how long it lasts since it's one of the two plants where I seem to not have a green thumb.

I haven't written much this week because I forgot to take an acidophilus supplement along with the antibiotics my doctor prescribed on Monday and my digestive tract has let me know how it feels about that. My diagnosis, as usual, is another sinus infection. Laurel's was a minor case of bronchitis. She is feeling much better.

After a lot of discussion, we decided to exit Laurel from our district-level gifted program and see how she does in the school-level gifted program at our neighborhood school. We were advised that the last few girls that exited the program stayed at their neighborhood schools and did not return. Right now we're looking for a happy medium between academic challenge and not being over-frustrated, so I hope the school-level program meets that for her. So far, she is tickled pick to be back at our neighborhood school.

372_elementary_school, 635_gardening, 616.212_sinusitis

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