Los Lupes, packages, Pinewood Derby, K's birthday party... and Lost Buildings DVD now available.

Jan 14, 2006 19:45

Friday was very busy, upgraded from the expected 'somewhat busy'.

We had lunch at Los Lupes with several of Vogon's coworkers, which will probably be added to our regular favorites. I was thrilled to see lengua on their regular menu and cabrito as one of the daily specials. (If you have to ask what those are, you probably don't want to know.)

I had planned to get some typing done in the afternoon, but was only partway through one of the pieces by the end of the school day and my accuracy goes way down when the midget talks at me while I'm trying to read copy. FedEx helpfully showed up with a perishable package while we were out picking her up from school, so I had to take her down to the office with me to retrieve it and figure out what had to go in the fridge and freezer straightaway. While we were picking it up, I was surprised to find the FlyLady purchase I'd made after Christmas had arrived too.

Vogon drove Laurel and I over to the elementary school to help with setup for the pack's Pinewood Derby, saving us the time (and fuss) we would have spent walking. Laurel was well-behaved and colored while I wiped down the assembled track and, after asking several times when the food would be there, was thrilled when the food sales were set up. Shortly after we finished eating, her best friend V. arrived with her family and the girls spent the rest of the meeting snacking and coloring with a couple of other kindergarteners that were there. When it was time to leave, we left the coloring books and travel crayon case with her friend.

Vogon picked us up from the Pinewood Derby to head over to kerbeetle's birthday party. Unfortunately, I have a headache today (sinuses, not from overindulging), so I'll blog about it sometime in the next few days with the two photos I took. You know I was really enjoying things if I forgot to take pictures! Also, I recognized blimey85 from his user icon. Heh.


As predicted by a commenter last year when I posted about it, the Lost Buildings DVD that was pledge bait last year (KERA offered it at the $100 level) is now available for sale from the This American Life online store. Would that I had not spent most of the money I got for Christmas on some legal paperwork... but what's spent is spent. I hope it's still available in August.

648_housekeeping, object_lust, 641_food, 976.42812_dallas, laurel, 369.43_scouting

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