Despite my adventure-filled weekend, I really don't have much to say.
karaksindru and I watched all of Cowboy Bebop over three nights, ate cheddar butter popcorn and Heath Bites, and generally hung out. He has the patience of a saint, which is a good thing since I would probably do well to find a way to worry less.
Himself arrived back in Denver Monday night and returned with fresh lemons that we turned a few of into lemon bread. I'm prepping the photos he brought back from his uncle's wedding to go into a gallery album, but no promises on a timeline since I have a few things to do before I upload them.
Laurel has sat on the potty four times since Monday, with successful results three of those times. While I am very happy about that, I still wonder if we could just litter-train her instead. *wry grin*
Valentine's wrapup in a forthcoming friends post.