I'm really terrible at this..

Feb 08, 2009 23:04

Seems like every time I update this thing, I have a different boyfriend. I hate that I'm that girl...that my love life has defined me for so long.

For the first time in awhile, I have no boyfriend. And I'm enjoying it.

I graduated, moved home with Mom, and I've realized...I'm really enjoying sleeping in my twin bed. Alone. Yes, it's nice to cuddle from time to time; there's really nothing like being held. However, I'm fine being by myself, and I think that's an important realization for me to have made.

I'm doing things for me. For no other reason than to simply enjoy myself. I'm taking measures in relationships that I feel are in my best interest, I'm seeking out my own entertainment and fulfillment, I'm making decisions that are simply for my own benefit... It feels pretty good. I'm beginning to leave some things behind and ignore what isn't important to me. I have control over only a finite number of things, and damn it, I'm taking control.

While I'm taking control of my life and all, there remains the uncontrollable. To that, I say bring it on. I have no real plan, so I will roll with the punches that swing my way. If things don't go the way I'd like, I'll make the best lemonade possible with the supplies available. If I'm taken somewhere unexpected or someone surprises me--or if I surprise myself--, I'll be open, make a call, and go with it.

My grandmother used to call me "vivacious;" "a free spirit."

I want nothing more than to make her proud, and it's time I start living up to my reputation.
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