Folsom Prison Blues

Apr 30, 2007 14:25

Late as usual, I know, but this Thursday night airing of Supernatural just nails me. Let's hope for a better night season 3. Yes, I've nailed my colours to the mast, I believe there will be a season 3 because contemplating any other option is UNACCEPTABLE.

I must admit I was expecting a lot darker episode but in some ways I was glad that it was as leavened as it was by the Winchester boys' interactions. We saw plenty of snark from Dean and bitchface from Sam and their 'old married couple' routine carried on regardless of location. Fortuitously, we can look forward to some great dark fanfic inspired by this episode.

Prison movies make me very nervous. It's the 'you can't go where and when you want and there's a very bad man with evil intent after you' quality that unhinges me. Add to that, in this case, a spirit out to get those she considers evil doers and I was painfully nervous for Sam and Dean. Actually, mostly for Sam. He's such a wonderful well adjusted character that I expected it all to go south for him inside despite his size.

The main theme of this episode was loyalty and how far you are required to go in service to that loyalty. We see it between Dean and Deacon, Sam to Dean, the public defender to her clients, the feds to each other, etc.

The opening was very scary even though we mostly didn't see anything at all. Which, of course, is always the best way to scare me. I can imagine a lot worse than a tv show can ever show me.

I was surprised that it was the guard who was attacked in the opening, I suppose I expected Randall to get it but it was nice that they didn't go for the obvious and it was rather smart to pin the guard in the door so he couldn't escape.

So the Winchesters are now robbing anthropology museums? Plus, they're wearing gloves when they know they are going to get caught? WTF! Surely they are going to fix the glove issue or are we doomed to an eternity of mental anguish as we viewers go 'what about the fingerprints' and the producers go 'we're not going to have them in latex every week'. There's a crude joke in there somewhere but I'm not touching that with a 10 foot barge pole. No siree, Bob. I must say that motion detector looked a whole lot like a baby monitor to me. Yes, I have a very strange mind.

Sam: I hate this plan, Dean.
Dean: Yeah, I got that the first 10 times I heard it.

This seems to be Sam's entire sentiment throughout the episode. Yet, there he is at Dean's side, backing his brother's plan. True loyalty is following your brother into the bowels of hell on the skankiest of plans. There really must be one huge debt at the bottom of this 'cos there's no way on earth I'd ever do anything like this, except perhaps to save my son's life.

We get mug shots and discover their true heights. Maybe? Sam is 6ft 5 but not standing tall, Dean is 6ft 2 on a good day. Dean mugs for the camera and there is hysterical laughing on my part.

Dean: I call this one the blue steel.

Dean: Wait, who looks better, me or Nick Nolte?

Dean does not seem to be taking this too seriously, yet. He even brazenly requests a cheeseburger with onions when the feds turn up. This is a little disturbing.

Hendrickson: You think you're funny.
Dean: I think I'm adorable.

Me too, Dean.

Mara Daniels turns up as Sam and Dean's public defender. I like this lady. She's all about the job. (Whoever is doing the casting sure has a type don't they? A lot of the women cast have a certain resemblance to each other.) Later we see Mara's hands and her finger nails are painted black. This sets off my spidey senses and makes me very suspicious of our wonderful PD. Then when she saves our boys' butts this makes me even more suspicious. Is this just me or is the show doing this to other people too? I'm a very trusting person but quite frankly until proved other wise everyone's under the microscope until we reach the end of the series and they can't be revealed as having an alternative agenda.

Extradition papers have been filed from five different states. This make me nervous for their long term health.

Booker T and the MGs' Green Onions plays and I'm rocking along.

Boys in shackles, very pretty. Evil fanfic idea takes root!

Dean: Don't worry Sam. I promise I won't trade you for smokes. That's so reassuring, Dean.

They are taken to their cells and Dean is still pretty perky.
Dean: I call top bunk.
This cellmate doesn't go along and takes the top bunk for himself. Across the way, Sam meets his new room mate. He's huge. Even bigger than Sam. Holy hell, Sam looks a mite concerned.

Dean: My room mate doesn't say much. How's yours?
Sam: He just keeps staring at me in a way that makes me really uneasy.
Dean: Sounds like you're making new friends.
Sam: Dean, this is without a doubt the dumbest, craziest thing we have ever done. And that's is a long storied carear of dumb and crazy.
Dean: Calm down, it's all part of the plan.
Sam: Oh really. So Hendrickson showing up was part of the plan?
Dean: Yeah, that guy moves a little faster than I thought. Look, all we gotta do is find this ghost, put the sucker down and grab ourselves a couple of tear drop tattoes.

It turns out they are doing this for Deacon, at his request. I'm unhappy that we've never heard of Deacon before, especially given the huge risk they are taking. Obviously the plot and reveal don't work if we know who Deacon is, so I'll forgive them. At least for this episode. Sam barely knows him but Deacon appears to have been in the Corps with John and saved his life. Though I must point out I'm not buying this as the reason the Winchester kids are doing this job.

Dean: We may not be saints but we're loyal. To a fault, apparently.

Prison food doesn't look too appealing to Sam though once again Dean is all about the food. I love watching him eat. Lascivious thought goes unrecorded.

Discussing who the spirit is.

Sam: You sure it's him?
Dean: Pretty sure.
Sam: Dean, considering our circumstances, I'm going to need a little bit better that pretty sure.
Dean: Really pretty sure.

I love that this gets repeated later but in reverse. Brother on brother snark is soooooo enjoyable. Note to show producers: just give up on the trying to introduce new characters and spread the work load. All we want to watch is brother on brother action, snicker, and all the rest is filler!!!!

Prisoner Lucas deliberately walks into Sam, who is polite with apologies and backs down. Dean though is right in there going toe to toe with Lucas. Clearly, Dean knows how to play the prison game, ie not showing weakness, and during the dust up that ensues holds his own with the fisticuffs. A rather unfriendly prison guard orders Dean and Lucas to solitary which leaves poor Sammy undefended. Yikes. Quakes for Sam's well being.

Another Steve McQueen/Great Escape reference when Dean wishes for a baseball. Lucas wishes for a bat to bash Dean's head in. Yeah, me too sometimes. Signs of a spirit are then followed by the scariest eyes and Lucas meeting a very nasty end.

We see the PD doing her bit for her clients. She doesn't have to be there, talking to the feds, trying to persuade them of her doubts and suspicions, yet she is. Given what she is probably being not paid by the state to defend the boys this is really above and beyond the call of duty.

Hendrickson: Where ever these guys go, people die. Rather prophetic about this episode too, at least as far as Dean is concerned.

I'm still not persuaded that Hendrickson doesn't have his own (Gordon's?) agenda. Also I must confess again to a little suspicion of the PD's motives as well. She risks he carear for the boys? I don't think even Dean's charms really run to those lengths do they? Perhaps Hendrickson's put down, with his reference to grown ups, ie she isn't one, pushes a big ol' feminist button in her and sends her over the edge in Winchesterdefenceage.

Randall: Why are you inside, kid?
Sam: 'cos I've got an idiot for a brother.
Randall: That'll do it. Snicker.

Dean is on the hustle again, this time for the currency of the prison block, smokes. Comes in pretty handy when they get researchy and they ask Randall for the inside scoop on the spook.

Dean distracts by inciting a fight with Tiny so Sam can excise their chief suspect of spookage. Not only does Dean take a beating from Tiny but the unfriendly guard has a go too. Ouch.

Dean: They're just doughnuts. They're not love. A perfect Dean line, sigh.

We discover that prison duct work is Samsize. Wow!

Tiny and Dean bond in the infirmary over self esteem and daddy-demise issues. This is a wonderful moment but it doesn't last. The spirit attacks Dean but he manages to ward it off with salt from his meal tray and it gets Tiny instead. RIP Tiny, sniffle.

Once the boys realise that they are wrong about Moody they expend smokes on research. Dean is not a happy camper about this. So why the heck do you hustle Dean if it's not to use the funds generated?

This was a moment, right here, when I serious wibbled. Luckily, they did not dwell.
Sam: Dean, does it bother you at all how easily you seem to fit in here.
Dean: No, not really.

Has Dean spent time inside before?

The boys discuss what they owe Deacon when it looks like they will leave before solving the case.
Sam: We don't owe him our lives Dean.
Dean's reaction just kills me. It suggests that, at the very minimum, he thinks he owes Deacon his life. So how are Dean and Deacon otherwise connected? There's no further explanation of this in this episode. It sort of reminds me of the questions raised by Bloody Mary, when Dean's eyes bleed, indicating he feels/is responsible for the death of another. Also the whole ending of Home where I still have no clue what the heck that was all about. They keep dropping hints about 'something' to do with Dean but I still don't know what it is. Hell, I still can't get that reaction shot of Dean, that I mentioned in my review of Heart, out of my head.

We discover that the guard who has had it in for the boys most of the episode is Deacon and he arranges for their escape. Big sigh of relief from this fangirl. Dean gets a little payback for all Deacon's earlier abuse and gets to punch him out.

Is Dean named for Deacon?

The boys escape into the arms of the Impala. So unrealistic but so necessary as Dean gets his hands on his baby. The remaining minutes countdown quite tensely as Hendrickson tries to track them down and the spirit goes after Deacon. Fortuitously the lawyer has sent Hendrickson to the wrong cemetery. Will we know why? Is she in on yed's plans? At this point I'm suspicious of everything and everybody.

Dean: We gotta go deep this time.
Sam: Deep, Dean? We should go to Yemen.
Dean: Ooh, I'm not sure I'm ready to go that deep.

Is this some perverted sexual reference innocent little ol' me is oblivious of?

Alice in Chains sing:

Ain't found a way to kill me yet
My buddy's breathin' his dyin' breath
Here they come to snuff the rooster

As for next week ... anticipation is high at the old homestead.

episode, supernatural, folsom prison blues, review

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