finally found myself

Nov 24, 2004 01:47

if something makes you happy, do it. i've realized that we spend so much time doing things that make us, homework, committments, even extra-curricular activities that maybe our parents stuck us into or that we feel we are forced into doing. we have to balance it by doing the little things that help us get by during the day, the things that matter the most to us, the things that we could spend hours on end doing, or the things we never want to stop doing. we fall so short of our passions because of the barriers we impose ourselves"i have no time, i have this to do instead, i'm not good enough, i can't do that, what will everyone else think?" this is what i say. if you want to do it, do it. if it makes you feel happy, do it. if it brings out an undeniable passion from somewhere inside yourself, do it. eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's. run for like two miles nonstop just because, or maybe three...jam really crazy in your car to the blasting radio, laughing as you pass someone you know from school. trust me, that is an awesome occurance, happens to me all the time. have an obsession with a music artist that maybe none of your friends like very much. dance your freakin heart out, listen to that crisp sound of muffled grass under the weigth of your body, feel the connection of your feet to the field, yeah, that's the good stuff. plunge into it headfirst.

life isn't out to get you, it's as if we expect life to be easy. we all know the sayings "Life isn't fair" or "Life isn't easy" so why do we constantly complain when things don't go the way we wanted them to? it's as if we expect and demand justice and fairness in every aspect of our lives! if we KNOW that life isn't supposed to be rainbows and butterflies, why do we get so down on ourselves and the world when it's not? that's just how it is. trials in life make us stronger. each obstacle and each boundary we have to cross is merely a test. a test of strength and a test of wisdom. we'll never get anywhere in life if everything is simple, easy, and comes natural. you've got to fight for your liiiiiiivvvveeeee. lame but you get my point. if you've got how you want your life to be all in your head, make it a reality. get out there and strut your stuff. who cares about anyone else, don't let them make your decisions. don't let anyone control your life but you. don't let the fear of rejection or the fear of failure stand in the way of who you really are, no need to pretend, just be.

ahhhhh the side affects of bordom
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