May 19, 2004 04:31

In the foreign fields of death, rhey count the casualties to see who's winning. Back on the homefront, they count their toys to determine the victors. Don't they know NOBODY EVER wins a war? You can however win an election by "staging" one. Why are there so many 'American "Idle"(s) who support and cheer this whole farce on? Our "fearless leader" steadily spews words at us like "justification" and "holding people accountable for their actions"?
**Why isn't this man's head spinning around ala 'Linda Blair's' AS "Reagan" in "The Exorcist"?**
GWB hurls terms such as "we're FIGHTING for PEACE" and "the WAR on TERROR". Well, Sir, aren't these phrases textbook definitions of a double-oxymoron (spoken by a oxymoron)? I'm just not buying into this farce for a second. Frankly, it insults my intellect! This battle is just another prime example of power-pimping %. With each day that passes by we ALL are losing..the lives of children, friends, husbands, fathers, mothers (at both ends of the spectrum) morality, dignity, respect,integrity and a bit of what they call common sense.
Tell me what this is saying to the multitudes of little ones who are plopped down in front of the international babysitter of choice on a daily basis. They're also paying a price for having to watch the aftermath of a ruthless lust for control. These precious, innocent and trusting babes shouldn't bare witness to your metropolitan-aboriginese ingenuity.
Meanwhile, just like trained animals, the faithful conformists display, fly, wear and wave their flags
with pride. Can't the cult comprehend what is actually happening before their very eyes? By bullying another country into becoming yet another "mini-america" is NOTHING but a struggle for more charge and a diversion from the TRUTH. The powers that be should take a good long look in the mirror before cloning another mirror-image of a reflection that's shatterd at best.
El Presidente doesn't speak to or for me. Hell! I don't agree with a word says or believe in any of the actions he takes. I must admit though, I AM curious as to where they have stashed the "other" evil Iranian. Probably at a Hilton (not IN Paris but WITH Paris). WHEN he's "discovered" is a better guess. Hmmm..let's see, election day is the first Tuesday in November. My birthday is the sixth day of October and would be perfect..just enough time to allow the praise, heroism and impact to kick in. Meanwhile he's continuing to preach, chant and brainwash his fan-base. I'm considered unpatriotic, disloyal and even a "commy" by my fellow Americans, BUT I'm not sporting blinders and I can SEE all the glitches. The system is filled with flaws and desperately needs to be re-evaluated, re-written and re-constructed. The huge following of the "Prez" feed on the mindset of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
On that note, I'll end by saying.."Listen Bodhi..this is your wake-up call.." IT'S BROKE!!
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