May 28, 2004 19:58

..or metroSEXuals AND THE CITY..towne, country..same thing/different proximities..
You know them. The over-starched, over-rated professional business men in their out of year, out of season and out of style designer power get-ups who sachet around the "right places" at the "right times". They'd rather die than miss one of their bi-weekly manicure/pedicure appointment. At lunch you can find them at the tanning salon where they are either air-brushed or microwaved to "appear" naturally tanned. If you don't mind being physically shoved and tackled out of your date's way to admire himself in the closest mirror before you can get first, a metrosexual is your guy. Personally, I'm unwilling to compete for my share of mirror space with a guy. High maintenance fellas don't do it for me! Don't get me wrong, shower before attempting to collect me(**please**). But I don't require a dress code either. If we can't be comfy, I'm simply not going.
Sadly, I have friends who size-up a man completely on
*their ride(s)*bank balance*job title*home(s)*labels*shoes*popularity*overall couture*trust-fund(s)
Material attributes tell me NOTHING about someone I NEED to know regarding WHO someone is! All that says is where they shop, how often they shop and how much they shell out for their external facade. That's all uncalled for "packaging".It's bravado! Who wants to date someone with a complex, time consuming and ridiculous beauty regimen comparable to Pat Bateman's? All I know for sure is that I do NOT! It's a shame we can't buy, sell, rent or lease self-confidence. Too bad! THAT's a trait that SCREAMS VOLUMES regarding who we REALLY are. PLUS, it's incredibly difficult to "faux".
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