May 30, 2004 21:42
Disclaimer: This is not directed towards you in anyway. I think no differently of you now than I did but what you said earlier just got me thinking. These are random thoughts put together and I'm just typing whatever comes to mind.
I complain about never having anything to do or anyone to hang out with but the more I think about that that could be a good thing. Everyone is talking about all these crazy graduation parties and end of the year things where they're gonna have so much to drink and blah blah blah and I just think to myself "You guys are idiots." I've never smoked anything. I've never drank anything alcoholic. I don't cuss. Those three things (at least 2 of 3) are common among most of my high school class. I don't do any of em. What is the big phenomenon of drinking? I have never figured it out. Conversation on Monday morning:
Me: What's up dude? How was your weekend?
Them: Man, I got so s---faced.
Me: That's cool. What'd you do?
Them: I don't know man but I was so s---faced it wasn't funny. It was great.
What the heck is the point of doing something that you don't remember? Explain this to me. Please. Someone. Anyone. Why do you have to put a foreign substance in you just to have fun? Perfect example for why not to drink...taken from a previous post I made:
heard all about how 3 girls in the class got drunk this weekend together and ended up getting naked or something and they had pictures of it. It was the first time one of them had done that or something and she's freaking out because she doesn't want people to know. Well you know what. Eff you. It's your fault for freaking getting drunk and taking pictures. Deal with it. Stop whining because people are gonna know you're not little Ms. Perfect. God forbit they find out you kissed another girl while drunk. That's why drinking is so freaking stupid. What's the point of putting something in you that makes you act stupid and not remember anything? Why have fun and not remember it? If you can't have fun sober then something's wrong with you. And the phrase I hate most: "You're in high school. Of course you're gonna drink." Being in high school has nothing to do with it. And way to stereotype everything you self-righteous piece of crap. It's something called self control. It's something called being able to have fun without the need of a foreign substance. So just don't open your mouth. Ever. Never again.
Yay, let's get drunk and not remember anything. I graduate Friday night at 8:00 PM and I can honestly say these things and say them proudly: I've never drank alcohol; I've never done any tobacco product; I am a virgin; I don't cuss; My life is great. To the jerkoffs in society that think it's cool to smoke, drink, cuss every 3rd word, fool around with anyone you want: eff you. Make the jokes about me graduating a virgin. I don't care. Call me a momma's boy, a goody goody. Go ahead. If that makes you feel like more of a person or makes you feel better then go ahead. I'm sorry the only time you can be happy and have fun is when you're drunk or high on something. I don't care. I have fun being me. I have fun being a Christian and not doing all this other stuff. What? You can be a Christian and have fun? I thought the only Christians that had fun were the ones that went out and parties on Saturday and then came to church with a hangover. You're wrong. I've been a Christian my whole life. My grandpa's one of the most well respected preachers in Western North Carolina. He's the Chaplain for the police and fire departments. I've been raised in a Christian home. And you wanna hear the kicker? I've had a blast doing it. So you go ahead and throw your life away, bottoms up hombre. Have fun. When you need a ride home because you're afraid you'll kill someone if you drive maybe you'll think of me. Grow up.
Expect a real entry sometime. I'm done. Have a nice day. Say your prayers and take your vitamins. Bye.