Second Life Bookshop

May 18, 2005 15:46

I went into town today. It was sort of serendipitous.

You see, after two days of deluge (the backyard looks more mud than grass and plants) where i stayed inside and caught up watching videos and DVDs, finally I got to go out and do something. Of course, Wednesday is the day where normally I must go to the university anyway. Normally, there's student seminars, and maybe a guest lecturer as well. Today there was neither, as the seminar was held at Watt Space instead. There's some brilliant work in there at the moment and the opening tomorrow night (I'm thinking of going) should be good.

Anyway, I had planned to go to the university, but about the only two things I wanted to do there were a) some photocopying (of my first prototype Tarot Card, "The Fool") and maybe eat at the Hare Krisna  vege stall. I did a "library run" on the way in (that's where I return old library stuff to more than one library, and get new stuff as well) and then when I got to the uni I forgot to take a turn and park. Instead, on the spur of the moment I decided to drive in and park at The Store in West Newcastle.

I walked down to Watt Space. I was planning to have lunch at the Southern Cross Food Plaza (which I did) but before then I wandered into Second Life Bookshop.  This has a wide range of books on Queer and Alternative life styles, issues and topics. I'd tried to find it once before, but this time I did. I chatted with the las who runs the shop (her name has totally escaped me just now) and as it happened, Watson (the cute pagan guy I met at uni) was there too, doing chinese massage (or would have been , if he'd had a client).

They had books on the Tao and I put one aside, and also bought a copy of "Truth or Dare" by Starhawk. This is the sequel to "Dreaming the dark" and I've been after a copy of it for a while. Both books make very interesting reading. Anyway, I asked if they had a Tarot reader and they don't, so I'm going to go back and "audition" myself by doing a reading for the owner. I've been looking for a good venue to do readings at (doing them for drinks is very very dodgy). Maybe this is the place.

We'll see...
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