Telling my parents I'm a Vegetarian again

Apr 25, 2007 16:40

They are going to flip their lids! My parents believe that my vegetarianism (from age 8-25) is one of the reasons I have so many health issues today. They are going to freak out when I tell them that I've gone back to a vegetarian lifestyle.

Some of my reasons for doing this are:

1. I miss it - I just hate the thought of eating dead animals.

2. My boyfriend and some of my friends are vegetarians and it's just easier (lame reason, I know).

3. If my boyfriend and I get married and have children, we want to raise them vegetarian so I want to get used to the lifestyle again before that.

I've been a vegetarian again for about 1 month (maybe more, I can't remember) and I feel fine. I've been tracking my nutrients against the vegetarian food pyramid and taking the neccissary suppliments. I am healthy and losing weight!

But they're still going to freak.

This is part of my "series" of not hiding stuff from them anymore. I need to stop being afraid to be who I really am just because they will so harshly disapprove. I told them about my knee and about a friend coming to stay with me until she can get her feet on the ground here in Washington. They totally freaked and are very pissed off at me. They think my friend coming to stay with me is one of the dumbest decisions I've ever made. We'll see. They haven't said much about the knee yet, but I think it's cause I shocked them so much with the other thing.

I'm so nervous, but eventually they'll figure it out (since we eat together so often), so I'd better just tell them.


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