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It's pretty well known I'm not a fan of zombies (even though I got roped into going to Zombicon this weekend) :P. However, I do try to keep an open mind regardless of my prejudice.
Buddy of mine recommended Dead Snow. Foreign Nazi zombie film. Okay.
If you like teen slashers, you'll enjoy it.
If you like zombies, you'll enjoy it.
If you like black humour, you'll enjoy it.
If you like foreign horror, you'll enjoy it.
If you like gore, you'll enjoy it.
That pretty much covers it.
This is what I call a "fun" movie. THIS is the kind of movie you sit around and watch with friends and have a couple of beers. Good clean (okay, gory) Swedish fun. The storyline is pretty basic; medical students that go up to a cabin in the mountains in the middle of winter and get ambushed by a bunch of Nazi zombies. ; Well written/directed, all the actors are likeable, and a stylish flair that rivals, if not surpasses, every modern zombie flick.
It lends credit to the idea that foreign horror is loads better than most American trash released.
I *did* enjoy the movie, all things considered, and I *do* recommend this one.