I did a week four review but the iPad went flat before I posted it and I lost it. I am typing with a sick snuffly baby on me semi-sleeping so hopefully I manage the review now or I will start to forget stuff!
I have completed: a topsy turvy doll got Emillie. Originally I had planned to make a topsy turvy doll like the one I made for Abigail for Emillie's birthday in December but as she was up with Tressa we ended up making it as a team effort. I did most of the cutting out and stuffing, Tressa did the embroidery, the hair, and hand sewing and Emillie chose the fabrics, did a bit of the cutting and helped with the sewing.
I also finally finished Isaac's elephant. Tressa did the embroidery and hand sewing on that too which was great!
I have also completed the coffee challenged (Canopius, ok but quinoa muffin was a bit odd and not what I would call a muffin - more like a frittata using a minimum of egg to hold the quinoa, near raw spinach and corn together).
And the food hall challenge is also completed: last new dish was palak paneer - a solid A dish - great flavours.
I have made progress on the fizzy drink challenge - another 10 days without fizzy drink.
I have also made progress on going out with Bruce challenge - we went out for our first meal without kids since December 28, 2013 when we had dinner while I was pregnant to celebrate our wedding anniversary in Hanmer springs. This time we went to an amazing Korean buffet restaurant in Drury. It was great - I tried all the food (bar the steamed rice and fruit salad) and it was all excellent. The vegetable dishes were great - eg fresh cut vegetables wrapped in a thin piece of radish. We will definitely go back.
I read a book outside my normal genre of crime: a self-published revenge memoir thinly disguised as a novel. It was better than I thought it might be. And entertaining in a voyeuristic kind of way as well as raising interesting ideas about how we characterise people we once liked after a falling out (not that I have many of those)
I think that's it. I have probably forgotten something. If I have, I will update later when I add photos of the toys.