New friends

Jul 11, 2005 07:50

So I got a chance to hang out with some of my new friends last night. It was a great time, and there was much laughing, and hugs, and a very quick acceptance to the group. Kori's life partner Teri is fantastic, and I really loved how open both of their hearts were to making a new friend. I love how this group is so positive, and are all about making good choices with their lives. So, I am challenged by them, and I will meet the challenge, to be a non-smoker again. I know it's the right thing to do, and I know that they will hold me to the high standard that I deserve to be held to.

So, the strange thing is this... Those who know me know that I don't do well on the lonliness thing. But I'm actually doing well being single, and having that different outlook on life than I'm used to. Yes, I desperately crave human contact, and I miss the romance, and having someone in my bed. I've got a few people to whom I have an open doorway of friendship, and through that doorway anything is possible. But I'm not forcing anything, and I'm not throwing myself at the feet of the first pretty girl who wanders by. There's a few people with whom I definitely could see that "more" coming with, but one relationship would be very "distance challenged", so I'm not sure that I can go down that path right now. The other is a part of this new social group, and I know how devestatingly bad of an idea it would be to get involved with someone in the new group so quickly. So I'm pulling my enthusiasm controls back a few notches, and just letting the friendships happen. I know that what is meant to be will happen, I just need to relax and not force it.

So, Vegas on Friday. Too damn cool! Me and a dozen new friends, hitting the town. And the first stop on Friday night is Olympic Gardens. You've got to love friends who pick a strip club right off the bat to do in Vegas. This is going to be one hell of a trip.

Wed is my birthday, and we're going to see Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade on the big screen. Much fun, and some good friends. My real hope is that my birthday spankings get held off until the weekend, because that would be too much fun.

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