#indyref Where to From Here.

Sep 19, 2014 19:20

I always felt confident Yes could win this referendum. HOWEVER, I also always warned of the huge dangers posed by the immensely powerful anti-democratic forces ranged against us. The Tory Party, the New Labour Party (with its criminal record for electoral fraud), Big Business, Big Bureaucracy, the British State Broadcasting Corporation (BSBC), Big Media, and last but by no means least MI5 and all the other "secret" agencies of the British State and their many thousands of employees prepared to stop at nothing in order to serve and preserve the State which pays their salaries.

It is now beginning to look like these anti-democratic forces may have somehow managed to turn what I suspect was in fact a YES win into the fraudulent appearance of a win for No. It may be some time before we can get an investigation of exactly how this was done. It may be years before we find out all the details of how the crime was committed. But that's no reason to accept things on their terms. Anybody who thinks we're going to say "Well done, old boy" to David Cameron & co has another think coming.

The consequences of suggesting a vote has been rigged can be very serious. In the USA Presidential election of 1960, it was the Republican candidate, Richard Nixon, who had good reason to think the election of Jack Kennedy was rigged. Mayor Daley of Chicago had rigged the Chicago result. Because of Mayor Daley rigging the Chicago result, that gave Kennedy a narrow win in the state of Illinois, which gave him ALL of Illinois's votes, which gave him a narrow win in the USA as a whole.

Nixon knew all this. He had every reason to think he had been elected. His advisers were telling him to challenge the result. But, in the end, he backed off from doing so, because he thought that could lead to civil war.

As it happens, Kennedy was assassinated. Nixon did later become President, and, when he did, he used some very dirty tricks to try to hang on to the presidency. But, in 1960, he was the one that was scared of telling the truth: that he had been robbed.

In the 2000 USA presidential election, it was the Democrat candidate, Al Gore, who had good reason to believe he had won. He had good reason to think the vote in Florida, where George Bush's brother was the Governor, had been rigged. But, in the end, Gore backed off, because of the seriousness of continuing to challenge the result.

So even if Alex Salmond thought the referendum had been rigged in favour of NO, he might have to think very carefully about the personal and political danger in saying so.

But there'll be no such hesitation from me: this alleged "result" stinks. This corruption stinks to high heaven.

Do not blame ordinary No voters for this.
Do not blame any of your family, or neighbours, or workmates, who may have voted No.
It's unfortunate they were taken in by the lies and the fear-mongering of professional liars, but the vote-rigging is not their fault.
Do not blame English folk, or any other minority group for this.
Most of them voted Yes.

Blame the corrupt professional politicians of the Tory Party, the New Labour Party (with its criminal record for electoral fraud), Big Business, Big Bureaucracy, the British State Broadcasting Corporation (BSBC), Big Media, and, last but by no means least, MI5 and all the other "secret" agencies of the British State and their many thousands of employees.

Do not act violently; but do not accept the fraud which has been imposed on us either. Do not give the BritNats, who think they've won, the satisfaction of accepting that. Tell the world that the maggots who feed upon the decaying corpse of the British Empire may have, by underhand means, gained a little more time before the final dissolution of their State; but that's all they have gained.
They have not won. The fight continues, and we will win.

So far, all this is just my personal view. But I'm confident many others will sympathise with what I'm putting forward. For example, there's a delegate conference of the Radical Independence Campaign a week on Saturday. I would be very surprised if this view is not discussed.
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