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Each Weekly Sabbath in Yahweh’s Mind, is a Special Day, and so it should be in all who possess the Mind of Yahuwah.
Before we start the Service lets ensure we can regain this page should we lose it for any reason by if necessary using this Link:
http://ochterlany.livejournal.com/48634.html 1. Music: ‘Dear Lord and Father of Mankind’ sung by Katherine Jenkins:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neAdT1SLR10 2. 144,000: The Bride of Yahushua
The Bride of Yahusha as we go trough this Service and Video, is really what has come to be recognised as eqivililant of the Olpympic Overcomers is this world, but in terms of Yahuwah’s hightest standards of all, in Spiritual Terms.
Only Yahushua in the Name of His Father will choose from the multitude who might qualify, those who will be among the 144,000, who will together be part of Yahushua’s Bride.
As we go through this Service, we shall try to touch on REALTY as we meditate on some LIVE’s both deceased and still living, most of which very few of us have heard or met, but now may qualify for Spiritual Olympian Overcomers, and worthy of Yahushua’s CROWN.
No doubt You too can add many more, but here are some I have been led to select.
http://www.worldslastchance.com/videos#play990 3. It was the appearance of an e-mail on my computer reporting the assassination of a former US Naval Intelligence officer on 5th of November 2001, a mere two months after the destruction of the Twin Towers, that raised my inquisitive “ hackles”!
William Cooper was no bumbling “ conspiracy theorist”!
The Story of this courageous Human Patriot is only here part told, but the final stages of Coopper’s life can be accessed in the Right-hand column of these videos
William Cooper- “His Story”:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmvgKx1KoQg b:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhxGnZks4H8&NR=1 c:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc7x1rnswSA&NR=1 d:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQIiwjbPdyI&NR=1 e:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fUNHzIdOtU&NR=1 4. MUST SEE) Illuminati Staged 9/11 and killed Bill Cooper - The S (8.04)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Ey2MfXmJ3jo 5. Music: “How Great Thou Art” by Susan Boyle.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By0iyTukDkQ 6. A WhistleBlower Susan Lindauer EXPOSES Everything! " Video (1.36.12)
Susan Lindauer, proves to be one of the most incriminating witnesses in the whole US Government pack of LIES. Her witness never reached the Warren Enquiry, which is their only “official “ US Government enquiry so far to this date ever held.
Note,later in her evidence the Timeline and compare this to the present Timeline now be unvieled in July/August 2013 by Obama and Cameron and their cronies leading up to devastation and eventual War.
This is why we can expect horrific happenings as we go through July-August 2013 and beyond, as “World’s Last Chance” and numerous other Websites including Larouche are warning.
7. America in Bible Prophecy | Satan's Global Liaison (23.26)
http://www.worldslastchance.com/videos#play959 8. Music: “Can it Be” (4.01)
Sung by
AmazingWorship, Author Charles Wesley
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32_Fz0tXCVE Cleansing of the Soul by the Spirit of Live Water.
9. Dan Nelson water structured vortex (3.58.02)
I think Yahushua understands Dan Nelson and his concept of Structured Water. After all our Saviour in His Resurrected form, like us was “fearfully and wonderfully made”, and was able to convinced Thomas and the other disciples that he was just like them, with flesh and blood and water his viens but with a Spiritual dimention.
Our Saviour also spoke to the woman at the Well of this “Water of Life”, of which He and humans are scientifically known to be over 80% composed, and the wonderful affects of Water, when "structured" in a certain “Gentically Engineerd” way, in the human body, including healing properties.
Dan Nelson, a true Christian, makes it clear that these are not miracles, for miracles are for Yahuwah and His Son alone, but these effects on the human and animal body are produced by scientific “Engineering”, made known to Man since time immemorial, but only recovered by those who are able to “Think out side the Box”, as Yahuwah is now revealing to this Generation at this End Time.
Concurrently, it seems from “World’s Last Chance”, with the “Wonders of Water”, so is the Luni-Solar Calender, known to Man from earliest times, and is now being revealed to THIS FINAL GENERATION, now so Blessed to be offered these twin GIFTS
Please keep these comments in mind as Dan Nelson goes through his findings.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hNW7qxIMzg 13. MUSIC: “Dry Bones”
http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Youtuube+%22Dry+Bones%22&docid=4585926638698565&mid=834738BF60FAB278C5CB834738BF60FAB278C5CB&view=detail&FORM=VIRE1 END