Chapter 1 Part 2 (Updated)
Let us now continue this story as it unfolds in Palestine in 1946.
My journey out to the Middle East, which was arranged by my regiment, began by train across France.
It took three days with eight in a carriage.
For bunks, those who could not stretch out on a seat, slung blankets diagonally across the carriage, one above the other. The person above me failed to secure his blanket properly with the result that he collapsed taking all below with him. We completed an uncomfortable sleepless night as best we could.
The first night in Palestine with the battalion was spent at Tiberius, where we pitched camp on what seemed a modest slope, overlooking Lake Tiberius or the Sea of Galilee. It was late when we arrived and had little time to erect our tents. We slept four in a tent.
In the early hours a thunderstorm hit the camp.
Many beds got soaked including the four of us.
We spent the remainder of our time in Tiberius in the Queen Elizabeth Hotel and other nearby buildings, which were to be our accommodation for the next six months.
Immigration of “Jews” to Palestine
An abiding memory of those days in Palestine, are the huge influx of Jewish families from all over Europe, and the world, to claim their biblical dream, which goes back thousands of years to Abraham.
As the incoming Jews fanned out over what appeared then mostly a desert, I remember vividly its miraculous transformation under the “Zionists” into productive farmland, almost overnight.
Bulldozers swept the land clear of huge boulders and desert scrub.
Settlements called “kibbutz’s” sprang up, wells were dug and lush vegetation, including extensive orange groves mushroomed as from nowhere. The pervading refreshing odour, which caught the wind, was of processed oranges.
It was understandable that the Palestinian Arab, born and bred to semi-desert conditions, would view with deep concern this rapid take over of his homeland and its transformation.
Let me make clear from the start, I do not take sides.
I am merely stating facts as I saw them then, and see them today.
In retrospect, my regret is that at that period, I was blissfully unaware that God existed, nor could I care less! The result was that the true historical and world-shaking significance of what was taking place in that wonderful, largely misunderstood land and its people of whatever race, passed me by.
It is now over 60 years later; I look back with hindsight and hopefully added insight.
There is coming to light an understanding of the true nature of this significant event in the perspective of HIS-story, the Bible.
Having studied this largely overlooked book now for some 50 years, I have come to regard it as an awesomely accurate outlining of Man’s stupidity of his stewardship on earth, yet also containing Man’s ONLY hope for his survival.
Terrorist Activity
Our many duties as preservers of the British Mandate consisted in keeping the fragile peace between the Arab and the Zionists. Basically, then as now, true Jews and genuine Arabs where prepared to co-exist in peace.
For this purpose nightly roadblocks were established.
This had the effect of minimizing the activities of the “Irgun” and the other two main Zionist “terrorist”
It is interesting to note, that as far as I know, this is the first time the world had heard of the word “terrorism” in the media. Now, I have come to understand that some of our Western leaders are in many cases overtly and covertly their soul mates.
I am neither against Arab nor Jew, in fact I have had friends in both races, although I find age and other factors tend to make continued contact difficult.
Many of these “terrorists” had completed their wartime service in the British and other European armies, and were pretty useful in reeking havoc wherever they chose.
There was the famous occasion when just before our battalion took over the base at Sarafand, about 11 o’clock in broad daylight, an army three-ton lorry drove into the camp, driven by members of the “Stern Gang”.
They forced the Adjutant and Sergeant Major of this unit, who were walking across the parade ground, to lie face down in one of the deep concrete flood-prevention ditches. They then coolly emptied the armoury, and drove out before the alarm could be sounded. Later they blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, and did many other horrendous acts.
While at the time I saw war and killing as an inevitable, necessary and an acceptable duty, to-day no act of terrorism or killing, in my understanding claims God’s approval. I doubt anyway, with the awesome firepower to day available to armies, any action bar the saving power of God (Yahuwah), will save us.
I am not saying that you shouldn’t try to defend your family and yourself, but if the Almighty’s Will is not part of that plan, I fear it just won’t happen. Equally, just because a person dies in a battle, that does not in any way mean that they were still not one of God’s chosen. Such a one, I believe, was William Cooper.
Could the Almighty’s purpose for Bill Cooper’s life and what I believe to be murder, be to wake us all up to the reality of the world in which we live and take whatever action we may consider appropriate?
Perhaps we should remember, and it may come as a surprise to many, as it did to me, that the God of our Bible, says He is no respecter of persons and metes out punishment to all sides for rebellion and disobedience, while at the same time showing a love for all, that took His Son to the Cross.
Much of the time, the army was called in to handle the thousands of Jewish immigrants landing from the “Empire” ships which brought them from Europe.
The Jewish settlers had been told that they were returning to their homeland as free people, destined to establish their biblical roots. To find the British Army waiting at the dockside with instruction to re-route them to the nearest internment camp, came as a shock, to which they naturally did not take kindly. On many occasions, as our military tried to board the ships, all manner of missiles, including “bully-beef” tins rained down on the advancing boarders.
Putting the Record Straight
Then, as to-day, most people, supported by all but a few Christian churches, consider Israel to be led by true Jews, and hence assume this to be the fulfillment of God’s promise to His people as laid out in the Old Testament.
For years I believed the same.
Yes, there are many sincere and genuine Jews in Palestine, but make no mistake, the leadership is Zionist “Kabala” inspired, who have nothing to do with the true Jews whatsoever. They are impostors, known to Our Lord as “the Synagogue of Satan” and this can be established within the pages of the Bible.
You will find “Zionism” has little to do with the belief of the true Israelites of our Bible.
If this disturbs you, I am truly sorry.
I repeat, I do not take sides, but only wish to promote the truth to the extent I am shown it.
As mentioned previously, to-days Israel is the focal point of world events, threatening conflagration, which few of us would desire.
In his book “History of God’s Holy Bible and the so-called Jews”, which is recommended reading for those requiring clarity on this important subject, the author Jewish historian, researcher and scholar Benjamin Freedman writes:
“The point is that one who is called a “Jew” in the Bible is not necessarily a chosen man of God, a
follower of Moses and the prophets, a member of the tribe of Judah, an Israelite, or even a Semite, but one who is a resident of Judea - a Judean.
But a well-organized and well-financed international “pressure group” created a so-called “secondary meaning” for the new word “Jew” which is not the understanding intended by the Scripture of truth. Those who call themselves Jews today, falsely imply they are somehow descendants of the tribes of Israel and chosen of God. Yet few of them are Jews as they are not “Judeans,” or residents of Judea.
So if modern day, so-called Jews, are not the Jews of the Bible, who are they? ……
“Who is Israel? - Who is a Jew?”
I came across recently a short video ,which leaves very little doubt as to the intents of the "Zionist" towards their Palestinian Neighbours. This is no "let off"foor the more extreme Palestine elements.
Confessions of "New World Order" ZionistS (12.48) This does not in any way deny, as some would have us think, the holocaust of Jews under Hitler and the appalling suffering that went with it!
The tragedy now is that this “War on Terrorism”, based on the deception and lie of 9/11 and the bogus claims of the Zionists, is what many of our men and women and millions of others worldwide of all races and faiths, are dying for.
Not only that, but this is all being done at the behest of leaders, whom our Creator tells us are “the basest of men” and from “the Synagogue of Satan”.
Daniel 4:17 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and
the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that
the living may know that the most High (God) ruleth in the
kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth
up over it the basest of men.
The final act, if these leaders, which is just around the corner, is to ratchet up the conflict by a possible attack against another country, probably Muslim, leading to what many are warning is inevitably a NUCLEAR WORLD WAR, all in the name of WORLD PEACE and security at home.