By Norman Green-Price
Chapter 1 Part 1
Why is it we humans seldom seem to learn the lessons of History, which many believe are being today re-enacted under our very noses?
It is for this reason I am writing this book, in the hope that a few may be awakened to our dire condition.
In saying this, I by no means exonerate myself from this very human failure, and I must say it is late in life that I have come to realise this shortcoming.
The information in these pages will be peppered with videos, audios, and documents, authored by people, better qualified than myself to know the truth, and who have trod the road of the hard experience they reveal.
The Army and Palestine
On the evening, the war in Japan ended, I found myself celebrating the occasion on the roof of a London taxi at 3 o’clock in the morning. The fog, which made navigation along the Mall difficult, was in no way helped by my general condition
For most part, the activities of that night were to celebrate the end of a period of six years, during which much of the world had been in a full-blown war.
For myself, they were also perhaps typical of my life up till then, where money was plentiful, work was a matter of choice and privilege was considered one’s just deserts.
At the time these events were happening, I had just completed a year and and-a-half’s Officers training at Mon’s Barracks, Aldershot, which was then the wartime Sandhurst for the Infantry.
I had recently been commissioned in the Welsh Guards. Within six months I was to join the First Battalion in Palestine, where the British mandate was coming to an end and the new Israel was about to be born.
Formation of the Zionist State of Israel
This formation of the Zionist state in 1948 was to prove a pivotal event for the world.
To-day Israel is the fulcrum of world unrest and many fear the potential spark of a third world nuclear war starting against perhaps Iran or another Muslim country. This is also feared by many to be the aim of some of our leaders in Europe and America, who, I now understand, have their backers in the Middle East, on both sides of the Arab/ Israeli conflict.
The leaders of the three terrorist Zionist organisations, whom the British Army were fighting in Palestine, the “Irgun”, the “Stern Gang” and the “Haganah”, were later to became the leaders of the new State of Israel, some of whom are still alive.
It also turns out that the British Government under a former
British Prime Minister, Arthur Balfour, was deeply implicated in this arrangement.
Some think that the preamble to World War III started on that fateful day of 11th September 2001 with the destruction of the Twin Towers.
Many, including myself, consider this was an “ inside job” - in other words “state-conceived terrorism”, instigated by the American, British and Israeli Intelligence Services (CIA/FBI,M16/M15 and Mossad), and backed by their governments. This was designed to move forward the aim of “ A One World Government” issuing in “WORLD DICTATORSHIP”, shortly to be accomplished, albeit for a brief period.
“State-instigated terror” has always allowed would-be dictators to pass the laws, which give them the power of total DICTATORSHIP.
Hitler had his Reichstag Fire. Through the subsequent “terror” instilled into the German people, He was then enabled to pass the necessary laws that gained him power.
!0 Years After 911 Jack Stockwell Interviews Lyndon Larouche while viewing First Plane Hitting Tower No 1(55.00):
http://larouchepac.com/10yearslater To-day, the plethora of laws passed since that fateful day in 2001 ostensibly to deal with “ terrorism”, should make us think, if it has indeed been done in the name of gross deception and lies!
An increasing number of people today in Britain and America, sense something is wrong and are beginning to speak up.
Most however are too pre-occupied in struggling to raise their families, paying their taxes and overdrafts to bankers that have shattered their livelihood, while gleaning what pleasures life still offers and understandably cannot be bothered.
In the meantime controlled media constantly point a “ punch-drunk” public back to Hitler’s atrocities, which they constantly dwell on avidly.
I applaud the action of the Former Shadow Secretary, David Davis for laying on the line his political career, for he too apparently suspects’ dark deeds are being done in the name of British democracy.
But does he truly understand I wonder, the depths of evil involved and who his real enemies are?
It was the appearance of an e-mail on my computer reporting the assassination of a former US Naval Intelligence officer on 5th of November 2001, a mere two months after the destruction of the Twin Towers, that raised my inquisitive “ hackles”!
William Cooper was no bumbling “ conspiracy theorist”!
William Cooper- “His Story”:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmvgKx1KoQg 2:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhxGnZks4H8&NR=1 3:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc7x1rnswSA&NR=1 4:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQIiwjbPdyI&NR=1 5:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fUNHzIdOtU&NR=1 6:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qInAFnAH03c&NR=1 7:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaqwuLnON88&feature=related 9:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huGhW74ZzYk&NR=1 10:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IynfBuS8Bpg&NR=1 11:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZB4A9_ta5Q&NR=1 12:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdQ_2nxHXNE&NR=1 13:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzSQMYeV0tg&NR=1 At the end of this video, we will continue this story as it unfolds in Palestine in 1946.