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“Believing the Unbelievable”
To access to-day's Posting on "Live Journal" please Click here: "Live Journal" Monday 15th 2013:
1. April 12th Larouche Webcast (61.19):
Lyndon Larouche draws on the example of Mozart’s Don Govarny tragedy, as Mozart intended it's effect on the world of his day. Larouche now explains this opera's effect on to-day's situation in America and Europe.
He also proposes that we go immediately to high density energy as in thermonuclea power, which is now available.
He “poopoos” “green enegy like windmills, solar power etc .
I agree with this, and I don’t wish to in any way, be "picky" about Lyndon Larouche’s proposals. However until the Thermonuclea Power is up and running, which he admits will take several generations, what is wrong with offering truly “off-Grid Systems” for those who wish.
As regards putting solar panels on your house, which, he points out, can burn down in short order due to established roof Solar Panels , surely the alternative is to separate the solar panels from your dwelling, as illustrated in the detailed instructions, which are now available In this way we get the best of both worlds, until we reach the optimum in energy flux density and hopefully saving lives by these modest means.
Larouche is right in his offer of immediate passing of Glass-Steagle, the establishment of NAWAPA, and the removing of Obama from Office. In this, there is no time to be lost.
The only question is whether Yahuwah is going to allow us this licence. After all the warnings He has given us, and the sacrifice He and His Son have paid, can we blame Him?: 2. Have you ever really tried to believe the unbelievable?
After all the evidence you have received from this Website of “Live Journal”, and other websites witnessing to President Obama Lying habits, this must trump the lot!
If I hadn’t so much evidence since 911 of the “New World Order’s Shadow Government’s” activities from both Britain, Europe and America, I would gladly stretch my credulous spirit to give both Governments the benefit of the doubt, but alas I cannot and will not.
Every so often, when I get a Video Presentation not only from the Whitehouse but from the British Prime Minister. My stomach turns.
Unfortunately, I know too much about their Propoganda Machine.
Obama and Cameron are like “Tweedlle Dum and Tweedle Dee”, the “Alice In Wonderland” Charade, and about as believable!
In the Evidence we have given, on our Wesbsite, we have included:
M15 “Whistle Blowers”, former Presidents of United States, including Lincoln Kennedy, people like Cathy O’brien and Mark Phillips, and a host of other credible witnesses, who have and are suffering for their courage, honesty and many with there LIVES, at the hands of these "Mass Murderers", and their henchmen.
How many more millions of innocent people, both from the military and civilians are we going to allow them to sacrifice,for that is what it is, a “ritual sacrifice”, before we say ENOUGH!!
We are just WAKING UP from our “Gulliver Experience”, but is it NOW too late?
Frankly, I didn’t know whether to laugh or Cry at the content of this Whitehouse / 10 Downing Street Propaganda theater.
Finally, I pray daily for the souls of these sad, individuals and those being duped by them. This short Whitehouse “appeal”, sounds so plausible, but how can it stack up to mass of facts, out there, staring us in the face?
Submit Your Question On Line (5.58): 3. If you still are prepared to “Believe the Unbelievable”, listen to this by Dr John Colman, recognised by a huge number of his peers as an Expert in American Constitutional Law:
“Committee of 300” (1.42.33). 4. Months in a Row Part 2: 5. Grace and Peace to each of you,