"There's one thing about Santa Carla I could never stomach -- all the damn vampires."

Jul 01, 2010 20:47

I shook Corey Feldman's hand.

I think it is entirely possible that I now can fight vampires, speak Spanish, discovery pirate treasure, save the planet, and have other assorted superpowers.

Or maybe not.

To complete my Week of Sheer Awesomeness I hopped in the car and road tripped down to Santa Cruz to see Corey Feldman's band "Truth Movement" play at the Boardwalk. People keep asking me how it was, and there are honestly no words. Maybe 'concept album'. That's about it. I hope videos get posted on YouTube since... it wasn't bad. I got into it and rocked out. But it was just... weird. Like vicariously living through one of Corey's drug trips, I don't even know. There was almost painful Alanis-irony of them singing about the evils of technology taking over our lives while people just stood there staring blankly while holding up their iPhones and camcorders to record it.

So, it was cool and worthwhile but... I don't even know.

The encore of 'People are Strange', dedicated to Corey Haim, and 'Cry Little Sister' were 100% fucking amazing.

And lying on the beach under the stars, listening to the waves and watching "The Lost Boys" on a giant screen in Santa Carla itself... fucking beautiful, in every way. People are far as the eye could see, cheering loud for every shot of the city and for Corey and for every fantastic moment. It was a good night.

Corey was fantastic, signing autographs and taking photos with people for hours and hours during it and after before SC security decided it was done for the night. I was SO CLOSE to getting my picture with him when they shut the line. But he didn't leave, he stayed to shake hands with each person left, gave glowsticks to little kids, and was genuinely pleasant and gracious to all of us.

I appreciated it. I appreciated what his movies meant to my youth. And I touched his hand, so I have goddamn superpowers.

awesomeness, corey feldman

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