Let's Just Snuggle

Oct 08, 2014 04:52

Another short story for the fillathon! The prompt was to have two producers pamper Linkara, so I chose Spoony and Cinema Snob, since those three are always cute together, lol. This can be seen as slashy or just close friendship, and only includes cute fluff. I hope the original prompter sees and enjoys it! :)

Title is taken from Greg from a UK playing of Changing Emotions. It was totally my favorite playing of that game, lol.

Linkara slouched down low on his futon, arms crossed, expression cross, but legs not crossed because one of his ankles was currently wrapped up in bandages and resting on a stool which stood before him.

“Stupid crappy comics with their stupid glossy covers,” he muttered, glaring darkly at the offending paperback which lay crumpled on the other side of the room. “Stupid carpet which lacks any stupid cushioning for falls,” he muttered, glaring darkly at the polyester spread out all around him.

It was going to be a day where Linkara muttered and grumbled about a lot of the stupid things in his life, or so he thought, until Spoony and the Cinema Snob barged through his front door without so much as even knocking.

“What the hell?” Linkara asked, casting an annoyed look at his friends.

“Good morning, sunshine,” Spoony replied, shifting a backpack which was strapped to his shoulder while pointedly ignoring the way Linkara was glowering at him now. “We heard from 90s Kid that you were in a shitty mood, so Snob and I have come to pamper those blues away!”

Linkara scoffed. “I don’t think any amount of pampering will cheer me up right now-hey, what are you doing?”

Snob chuckled as he lifted Linkara into his arms, carrying him bridal style across the room. “Your face always gets so fucking cute when you’re embarrassed.”

“P-put me down!” Linkara insisted, blushing bright red as he struggled to free himself.  “I-I’m too big for you to carry!”

“Hey, I’m stronger than I look,” Snob declared as he continued to carry Linkara up the stairs and into his bedroom. “Besides, after all you’ve done to protect us, I can make a few sacrifices for you.”

“Oh. Um, thanks, Snob,” Linkara said softly, somewhat touched by his words.

“I’ll fix your bed for you,” Spoony decided, dropping his bag on the floor before straightening Linkara’s untidy sheets so the injured comic lover could lie in it once again.  Linkara continued to blush as his pillows were fluffed and the covers were comfortably tucked around his body, but a small part of him admitted that he was enjoying all this fuss being made just for him.

“Thanks guys,” he said as he leaned back against his pillow. “I guess this is kind of nice.”

“Oh, we’re just getting started.” Snob smirked as he pulled from the backpack a bag from a local chicken shack. “We know how much you enjoy chicken tenders, so we brought all you can eat. Now,” Snob sat down on the bed beside Linkara and held out one strip, “open wide.”

“I-I can feed myself,” Linkara stuttered, before eventually relenting and opening his mouth. “Mmm,” he couldn’t help sighing as he bit down into the juicy chicken. “That is so good.”

“And here’s a soda if you need it,” Spoony replied from Linkara’s other side, bringing the bottle right to Linkara’s lips.

After making sure Linkara was sufficiently fed, Spoony gently turned him around and began to massage his back and shoulders.

“Ahhh,” Linkara sighed, closing his eyes as his body began to relax for the first time that day. “Spoony, your fingers are magical.”

“Not as magical as yours,” Spoony purred into his ear. “But every part of you is magical, Linkara. Your beautiful eyes, your soft, strong hands, that enormous heart which causes you to give a shit about every damned person in the universe, even if most of them don’t deserve your concern.”

“We’re all really lucky to have you.” Linkara opened his eyes to look at Snob in surprise, and allowed the shorter man to claim his hands within his. Snob began gently rubbing his thumbs in soothing patterns along Linkara’s skin, which caused his eyelids to droop once again. “You’ve fought harder than anyone I’ve ever known and you don’t even ask for a reward for your efforts. It’s amazing to have met someone so fucking noble in this day and age.

“I… I’m not really that great,” Linkara murmured out of politeness rather than true disagreement, since his ego was rather enjoying the stroking it was currently receiving (not to mention the rest of his body).

“Sure you are.” Spoony squeezed Linkara’s shoulders gently before wrapping his arms around him in a warm hug. “You’re our amazing, wonderful, devilishly handsome hero.”

Snob smirked when he saw the pleased expression on Linkara’s face and reached down into Spoony’s backpack once again. “Since my voice has been known to cause everything from hypnotic suggestion to orgasm, I thought I’d use its powers for good, just this once. So, I will ask you to lay back and enjoy as I read to you from an issue of something called ‘Blue Beetle’.”

While Snob began to read aloud in a voice so soothing it could put insomniacs to sleep, Linkara heeded his advice and laid back, opening his arms to allow Spoony to cuddle up with him, before closing them again and sighing softly.

The pain in his ankle seemed all but gone now, and Linkara could finally stop focusing on the things he hated and start focusing on the things, and the people, he loved more than anything.

spoony, fanfic, tgwtg, linkara, fluff, cinema snob

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