Try to be Brave

May 28, 2012 19:42

Thanks, everyone, for listening to me before and saying such sweet things. It really did mean a lot to me and helped lift my spirits. It's kind people like you who make being in this fandom so worthwhile. <3

I've gone back to writing fluff and hurt/comfort. I was working on some really angsty stuff but I'm going to have to rewrite it, I think, since I'm afraid I might be going too far. So for now, here's a short kink meme fill of 90s Kid feeling down as he remembers the Entity and being comforted by his most radical friend, Dan. It's mostly hurt/comfort, but I think it has enough lightness to balance out the dark parts. I know it could be better, but it felt good to write even this, so I'll try and fix it up when I have time in the future.

Man how I wish Linkara would follow up on how 90s Kid is getting past what happened to him. I know he's working on a new plot line now involving the Magic Gun Girl, which is already exciting and scary since I think her soul just got sucked out of the gun, but I really feel like Lewis missed out on showing 90s Kid recovering and maybe changing in some way because of Entity taking over his body/using his form/whatever exactly happened.

“So, everybody about ready to go?”

Linkara stood by the door, tapping one foot impatiently as he waited for the others to arrive.

“Yeah, yeah. Hold your horses, kid,” Harvey said as he and Ninja Style Dancer made their way over to him. “You know Karaoke Night doesn’t  truly start until the man with the golden pipes arrives.”

*Where’s 90s Kid?* Ninja Style Dancer held up on a card as he looked around for the teen. *He hates missing out on singing Nirvana songs all night.*

“I don’t know,” Linkara said with a shrug. “I haven’t seen him all day. Maybe I should be worried he’s been captured and replaced by an intergalactic force of evil again.”

He said it lightly, meant as a joke, based on how they all responded by laughing. 90s Kid knew that his friends would never say anything to intentionally hurt him. Linkara simply had no idea that the mere mention of the Entity made 90s Kid freeze on the stairs in terror, as his pulse started to race and horrible, nightmarish images flashed through his mind.

Images of his friends being sucked up into a black void of nothingness, where countless other innocent beings were held captive. Images of staring into a mirror and looking back at himself with static for eyes, laughing that cruel, unearthly wail as he tried desperately to regain control of his body, failing every single time.

90s Kid still heard the word “Huuuuumannnn”  in his nightmares. Usually they appeared once a week, causing him to wake up drenched in cold sweat and terrified that he was a prisoner of that monstrosity again while it used his form to trick and harm others. 90s Kid did his best to hide the fact that he was having nightmares from his friends, since he didn’t want to be seen as a baby who couldn’t deal with his own imagination, but he would always be terrified that the Entity could at any minute return and wreak havoc on his life and loved ones again.

“H-hey, dudes,” 90s Kid said after managing to calm down enough to join them by the door. “Uh, like, I was thinking of maybe skipping this week-”

“Aw, come on, 90s Kid, it’ll be fun!” Linkara insisted. “Besides, you could use a night out.”

Harvey and Ninja Style Dancer shook their heads in agreement, so 90s Kid sighed before reluctantly shaking his head.

“O-ok, sure. I bet this night will be… totally awesome.”

Hours later 90s Kid was sitting by himself in the back of the club, nursing a soda and wishing he’d just stayed home. There was a contest going on and Linkara and the others were very into their singing, not to mention their drinks, at this point. They hadn’t even noticed that 90s Kid had left their table yet, let alone that he was troubled.

“It’s totally better this way,” 90s Kid muttered into his glass. “They don’t need me. They… they didn’t even notice I wasn’t here before. The Entity totally replaced me… and they couldn’t tell at all.” Hot tears started to form in his eyes but 90s Kid didn’t care. “How… how could they not tell it was me? I would, like, never do the junk the Entity did! I wouldn’t!”

But 90s Kid wasn’t so sure about this. Maybe it had been his own fault he’d been possessed by the Entity. Maybe its powers were so great, it could see into his heart and recognize how awful and pathetic 90s Kid really was. Maybe his many weaknesses made him the most deserving target for having his form used by the monster.

90s Kid sniffled as the tears started to spill down his cheeks. He gripped the handle of his glass tighter, trying to keep a hold on something, and didn’t notice at all as a man in a white suit headed toward his table.

“Hey, my friend, I didn’t expect to see you here!” 80s Dan said with a grin as he slid into the seat across from 90s Kid. “You weren’t over at the table with your friends, so I thought you’d skipped tonight. Anyway want to do a duet of-” Dan cut off when he noticed 90s Kid’s face. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“It’s nothing,” 90s Kid said, quickly turning to face the wall and trying to brush the tears from his eyes. “I-I was just having un-radical thoughts. Totally stupid stuff.”

“What kinds of thoughts?” Dan asked, clearly concerned. “Maybe you’ll feel better about them if you tell me.” 90s Kid truly didn’t want to bother people with his worries, but the way Dan was looking at him made everything he was feeling come spilling out of his mouth in one giant spray of words.


Dan blinked a few times once 90s Kid stopped to take a breath.

“Wait, if I understood that at all… you feel like you deserved to have been possessed by a monster from outer space?”

“Uh… yeah,” 90s Kid said with a weak nod of his head.

“But that’s ridiculous! How could you have deserved that?” Dan cried, looking utterly confused. “You never did anything wrong, 90s Kid! For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve always been trying to help people! Aren’t you always telling me about those monsters you fight with your friends? You’re trying to protect the Earth, not hurt it! And that makes you incredibly cool and brave, my friend!”

“R-really?” 90s Kid asked with a small smile.

“Of course!” Dan said, nodding. “Just because the Entity managed to fool people doesn’t mean it’s your fault. That could have happened to anyone. In fact, it probably chose your form in the first place because it knew what a good, courageous person you were! You were perfect for making people never suspect you’d be evil because you’re, well, totally awesome!”

“I-I’m not that awesome,” 90s Kid said, blushing a bit.

“You are to me,” Dan said, smiling warmly at him. “And I hate that you’re having nightmares. Why don’t you try talking to Linkara and the others about it? I’m sure they can help.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” 90s Kid admitted. “I just… feel, like, embarrassed admitting it.”

“Well, why don’t I come with you when you do it,” Dan offered. “Would you feel better then?” 90s Kid shot him a grateful look.

“You’d do that for me?”

“Of course, my friend. Plus, if you still feel embarrassed after that, you can come to my place for a sleepover. I have a VHS collection guaranteed to destroy any and all nightmares!” Dan’s eyes widened as he thought of an idea. “I think you’d be especially interested in my Care-a-Lot collection, right 90s Kid?”

“Dude, I totally would!” 90s Kid jumped up and pulled Dan into a hug. “Dan, you’re totally the most awesome, radicalacious dude in the whole universe!”

Dan merely smiled and offered his hand for 90s Kid to take as they walked back to Linkara’s table. Though 90s Kid knew his nightmares wouldn’t be over that very night, he felt like he was finally able to start pushing away the things that haunted him so he could focus on the people that cared for him instead.

fanfic, h/c, harvey, tgwtg, 90s kid, ninja style dancer, 80s dan, linkara

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