How's It Hanging?

Dec 21, 2011 03:38

A short little ficlet for the kink meme. The prompt was for Phelous being physically stressed, based on a tweet he made about hanging upside-down, and slashiness. So I had Phelous actually hanging upside-down to work out a bit before Benzaie rewards his efforts. Oh Phelous/Benzaie, I still love you so, and should write more of you.

The title comes from Colin during SFAH. It's a line you shouldn't open a sermon with, and so fitting of this story. :)

Benzaie had no idea how this was possible.

How could a thin bar of metal that seemed strained when it was holding up plastic hangers, jackets, and sweaters possibly hold the weight of one full-grown Canadian without snapping like a toothpick?

It was impossible. Yet, here he was, in Phelous’s room, staring at the older man as he hung upside-down, panting, his legs clamped tightly over the silver rod that usually remained hidden in his closet.

His face was already flushed, sweat dripping into his eyes and down his bangs before dropping onto the soft carpet. His arms hung limply beside his head, his fingertips brushing the ground every so often as he shifted his body, searching for the most comfortable position. His breathing had quickened and his pupils were dilated. Benzaie couldn’t help letting his eyes rove over Phelous’s bare chest and legs as he hung before him, noting how taut the muscles in his legs looked as he held himself up.

“Are you sure you’re okay like that?” Benzaie wondered. The thought of all that blood rushing to his head at once didn’t seem particularly healthy.

“Better than okay.” Phelous grunted as he shifted to his right. “This does wonders for my back and it’s a great way to work out.”


In response, Phelous propelled his body upwards five times in a succession of gravity-defying sit-ups.

“I can do five times that when I want to,” he panted after he was done, licking a few drops of sweat from his lips. Benzaie unconsciously mirrored this action.

“Five is well and good, but twenty-five in a row? I don’t know, sounds too tough for you.”

Phelous’s eyes narrowed a little before he groaned and propelled himself up again. Benzaie felt a little bad about taunting him like that, but when he saw how Phelous’s body glistened with sweat or heard those delicious grunts of effort when he completed another one, he found he didn’t feel that bad at all, really.

Finally, Phelous reached twenty-five, and he offered Benzaie a victorious smirk as he hung panting before him, skin now totally flushed and hair drenched.

“Told… told you… asshole.” Benzaie couldn’t help smiling.

“That was impressive, Phelous. A feat like that deserves a reward.” He took a step closer and hesitantly reached out, gently laying a hand on Phelous’s hip, before glancing down. Phelous was still watching him and panting softly, but he seemed unwilling to stop Benzaie, so the Frenchman slowly reached under his shorts and pulled out his cock. After a few licks to his head, which earned him a satisfying whimpering sound, Benzaie took all of Phelous into his mouth.

“F-fuck.” Benziae glanced down again as he licked his tongue along Phelous’s shaft. Phelous’s eyes were closed and his face grew even redder, though from excitement or the prolonged time spent upside-down, Benzaie wasn’t sure. Soon his breathing was heavy and his fingers scrabbled in the air as if searching for something to wrap around; they clenched into fists when Benzaie pushed his cock deeper into his throat.

“Oh fuck! Benzaie… I can’t… I can’t l-last… like this.”

Benzaie was already impressed that he had managed to last this long after all the effort he’d exerted mere moments before. He hummed softly along Phelous’s cock and grazed his teeth up and down his shaft until he heard the hitch in Phelous’s breathing he’d been waiting for.

Phelous moaned loudly as he came, his chest heaving as he gasped for breath. His legs were shaking now, the pleasant ache of the bar pressing up under his knees finally starting to become painful. He seemed on the verge of passing out or throwing up, both of which would have ruined the mood, so Benzaie tucked him back into his shorts and quickly moved to help Phelous down.

“H-how’s that… for impressive?” he asked as Benzaie steadied his walk toward his bed. Benzaie laughed as Phelous collapsed onto his pillow before plopping onto the bed beside him. He wiped some of the sweat from Phelous’s eyes and kissed him softly.

“You were amazing. But tomorrow, let’s try for 30.”

benzaie, slash, fanfic, tgwtg, phelous

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