You're From Wales?

Dec 10, 2011 04:07

Here's another fill for the kink meme. The prompt was Welshy/Film Brain, with Film Brain surprisingly domming Welshy. I tried to follow what the original prompter had in mind, with the domming including bondage and a bit of rough sex/painplay, and I think I stayed pretty close to keeping them in-character, so I'm happy with it. I so love pairing Film Brain up with all sorts of people, haha. I was actually working on this a week or so ago, but then I saw on Twitter that Welshy seemed upset and said he was canceling all his videos for next year. I felt bad writing smut about him when he was obviously unhappy, so I waited to see what would happen. Now he's started using Twitter again and one of his first new comments was on how it looked like in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre review bloopers that he and Film Brain were going to kiss, so the fanfic writers should have at it. I felt this was an appropriate sign that I could write about him, so I finished this. I do hope Welshy is all right and will make more videos, because I do enjoy his reviews quite a lot.

I've edited this to include a very short little fill I've just done for the other kink meme. This one specifically mentioned the Twitter comment Welshy made about kissing Film Brain and I felt like I just had to write this one too. :D So anyway, after the first story is now the second little ficlet focusing more on kissing between the two, with Welshy being the more dominant party this time.

The title comes from a Party Quirks game where Tony was trying to guess Ryan's quirk and asked if he was from Wales. That was a hilarious playing and is one of my top PQ games. I think there might have been a few other lines about Wales in UK WL, but this was the first that came to mind, so I had to use it. :)

Welshy shut off the camera and wiped the sweat from his brow.

“Seems we’re finally done.”

Over on the bed, Film Brain nodded and smiled in relief.

“It only took five hours, but I just know this crossover’s going to be great.”

Welshy smiled in return and pulled his hat from his head before shaking out his long, red hair.

“We’ve gotten enough cameos, at least. Even if people don’t like the video, they’re sure to eat that shit up.” Film Brain smiled and nodded.

“It was great getting to see so many of the European producers again.”

Welshy couldn’t help agreeing. “These conventions are always a blast. I love getting to know my fellow video makers better.” At the previous gathering of European TGWTG producers, Welshy and MikeJ had gotten to know each other quite well, sharing a room for the night as they did, as well as a bottle of maple syrup. Welshy had also become better acquainted with Ashens, MasakoX, and, of course, Sad Panda, but those reunions were starting to become regular events on their own.

Tonight it was Film Brain’s turn.

“So, since we’ve gotten the business out of the way, what say we get started on the pleasure?”

It was tradition that, once finished with a crossover filmed in a hotel room, the producers involved would engage each other on a more physical level. These mating rituals, as they were often called, helped strengthen the bonds between the reviewers and were fantastic for relieving stress. While Welshy hadn’t been involved in many crossovers with his Channel Awesome co-workers, he thoroughly enjoyed the benefits of working together. During his previous crossover with Film Brain, they’d run out of time before the ritual could be completed, but now Welshy refused to let him escape again. Tonight he fully intended to satisfy his craving for something sweet and British.

Welshy turned to Film Brain with hungry eyes and licked his lips, enjoying how the younger man’s face quickly reddened.

“I-I think I am ready for that, Welshy.” There was a slight tremor in his voice that drove Welshy wild. Without warning, he pounced upon the bed and crushed Film Brain beneath his lean body, pinning the Brit’s wrists above his head with one hand while the other darted beneath his shirt. Film Brain gasped at the sudden sensation of cold fingertips trailing along the warm skin of his stomach, but was quickly muffled by Welshy’s lips pressing against his own.

“That’s a good lad,” Welshy muttered when he felt Film Brain’s excitement press up against his leg. He leaned back down for a deeper kiss and couldn’t help getting swept away for a moment. It had been so long since he’d been he’d experienced a kiss that left him feeling soft and hard and warm and wet all at once. Somehow, the sweet, innocent trembling of the young Brit left him unable to think as he gave into pure sensation, lips on lips, skin on skin. Welshy was soon desperate for release, and he knew using a cute young thing like Film Brain would be the perfect way to get it. He'd heard all the rumors of his submissiveness and eagerness to please, which gave Welshy some very interesting ideas of how the night would go.

He just didn’t know that Film Brain had ideas of his own.

When Welshy felt his jeans being yanked from around his ankles, he snapped out of his reverie to discover he was lying on his back, completely naked, with his hands cuffed to the bedposts.

“What’s this?” His tone was somewhat dazed as he turned to Film Brain for an explanation. Film Brain merely smiled before reaching down to stroke Welshy’s erection. Welshy hissed and shut his eyes from the ice-cold fingers caressing his cock. It wasn’t an entirely pleasant feeling, but the friction between his legs was so deliciously wonderful that he couldn’t help moving his hips a little.

“I thought you were looking for pleasure, my dear Welshy. I’m just trying to fulfill our duties as co-workers.” Film Brain never looked as gleeful as he did when he trailed his fingers along the side of Welshy’s face before entangling them within his hair. “I do hope you are having as good a time as I am.”

Film Brain fiercely tugged the older man’s hair while continuing to stroke his cock and Welshy yelped at the stinging sensation on the side of his head. “What the fuck was that for?” Film Brain shook his head and slowed his other hand’s movements, earning him a frustrated sigh in response.

“Now, now, there’s going to be none of that,” he scolded as he twirled one of Welshy’s red curls around his finger. “If I hear any rough language from you, I’m going to have to get rough myself.” He squeezed Welshy’s cock for emphasis, which only made the older man moan and buck his hips harder. Film Brain smirked at the discovery. “Or perhaps that’s how you like it.”

Welshy didn’t have time to respond as the stroking swiftly resumed, only now Film Brain grazed his nails along Welshy’s cock amidst the short, powerful squeezes he gave it. Film Brain’s free hand traveled all along Welshy’s body, pulling at his hair, scratching along his sides, tweaking his sensitive nipples. The mixture of pain and pleasure was too much for Welshy, and he soon came with a sharp cry, coating Film Brain’s hand with sticky warmth.

“Oh good God,” Welshy panted as waves of pleasure ran through his body. “I-I don’t know how to thank you enough…” He trailed off when he realized Film Brain was unzipping his own jeans.

“We haven’t even started, Welsh boy,” he said, a dark smile coloring his features. Welshy blinked at him a few times, not quite understanding, but shuddered when he felt something cold and wet coating his entrance. “We have so much more to do. I just hope we have enough time.”

Welshy bit down on his lip when he felt a finger push up into him, but couldn’t contain his scream when three more joined the first and pushed in deep.

“L-let’s do a review together every week!”     
When Welshy proposes they take a break from filming and just relax a little, he figures Film Brain will suggest they lay back, have a drink, and watch a movie on the hotel television. He certainly never expects Film Brain to snuggle up close to him on the bed, pulling loosely on the ends of Welshy’s T-shirt before shyly bringing his lips up to meet his own. Welshy finds himself caught between surprise and desire for half a second before desire inevitably wins out, and he puts his arms around Film Brain’s shoulders and pulls him close, hugging tightly.

“Are you sure you’re up for this?” Welshy asks as he pressed his face into Film Brain’s neck and breathes deeply. Film Brain shivers as Welshy starts to press soft kisses into his skin, with the occasional nibble and lick sneaking in.

“I know I am,” he answers. His voice is almost breathless voice since Welshy has started to kiss along his jaw. “I’ve been thinking about this for some time and I’m ready to have the full Welsh experience, as they call it.”

Welshy laughs against Film Brain’s skin, and a row of goose bumps arise as the Brit shivers.

“I suppose you got that from Panda. That bastard’s never one for keeping his mouth shut.”

“I hope you aren’t either.” Welshy’s a bit surprised by Film Brain’s aggressiveness when he tilts his head back up so their lips can meet again, but he goes with it and enjoys how warm and oddly familiar the younger man’s mouth is. They kiss for quite some time, enjoying the intimacy of such a simple action, before Welshy feels bold and slips his tongue into Film Brain’s mouth.

“Mmm,” Film Brain moans before eagerly meeting it with his own. His hands are roving over Welshy’s body and tangling in his hair, which just encourages Welshy to be even bolder. He pulls Film Brain down onto the bed, pinning his arms to his sides, and begins to pepper his face and neck with kisses. Soon Welshy’s sucking along the hollow of his throat and Film Brain is gasping and writhing beneath him, desperate to feel lips kissing along every inch of his body.

“I never knew you tasted so sweet, Film Brain,” Welshy murmurs after pulling up for a breath. He can see the beginning of a hickey upon the younger man’s throat and can’t help but feel proud.

“You should try the rest of me,” Film Brain quips, his voice husky and soft, before he pulls Welshy down once more. Welshy almost laughs as he kisses Film Brain so hard that their lips start to feel sore.

“Believe me, I fully intend to.”  

slash, fanfic, tgwtg, welshy, film brain

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