Your Homework Can Wait: Part 3

Nov 02, 2011 16:22

This fic is dedicated to my good friend, NJDOODLER112 in honor of her birthday! I hope you have an amazingly wonderful day, my friend! <3

This is the third part of a College AU I started writing some time ago. Will Critic and Nerd finally get together? Who else has become a couple in this universe? The answers will definitely not surprise you! I hope you enjoy it! :D

The Nostalgia Critic tore through the dormitory’s tiny kitchen, scrambling to assemble all the ingredients he’d need to make one chocolate cake. His day had already been full of failures and he refused to have yet another one fall into his lap, especially when it regarded such an important matter.

First he’d woken up late and arrived at his morning class just as their exam was about to start (the Critic would be grateful if he even got a C on that one), and then, at the grocery store, he’d gotten into an argument with some asshole who snatched his parking space out from under his nose. Fortunately, after screaming at that jerk for almost ten minutes, the Critic had felt considerably better and was able to focus on shopping for  flour, brown sugar, and the essential chocolate fudge frosting he’d need for his baking. He was sure that now he’d be able to turn this shitty day around into something amazing.

Because today was the Nerd’s birthday, and after baking him the most delicious cake he’d ever tasted, the Critic was determined to ask him on a date.

“No more pussy-footing around like a pathetic loser,” the Critic told himself as he set out his ingredients and pre-heated his oven. “I’m just going to come out and ask if him if he’d ever be interested in me as more than a friend.” The Critic was proud of his conviction and continued to mentally pat himself on the back for his courage as he blended eggs, flour, and butter into a bowl. He then reached for the bag of sugar and was perturbed to discover it was not on the counter with the rest of the ingredients.

“What the fuck? Where’s my damn sugar?” The Critic went through all the cupboards and the pantry before opening the refrigerator in a panic. “Aw, damn it! How the fuck do we not have any fucking sugar in this place?” He checked the time and realized if he drove back to the store, he would run the risk of missing when Spoony dropped the Nerd off at his house, which he’d discovered after swiping Spoony’s phone and reading through his texts and personal notes. Yeah, it was an unfair move, but Spoony never played fair either, so the Critic felt justified in his actions. His plan was to ‘casually’ arrive a few minutes after Spoony left the Nerd at his place and reveal that he had been planning to drop off this cake with one of the Nerd’s roommates, but since they were both here now, maybe they could enjoy a slice together.

If Critic went to the store, though, he would most likely be late for the meeting and could risk waking the Nerd up, since he went to bed surprisingly early for a college kid. Nerd had explained that he was usually up late making films for his AV and gaming clubs, but still, going to bed by 10 p.m. on the weekend? The Critic decided he was a big enough person to forgive this peccadillo, but it did make things more difficult.

“Fuck, I can’t go out. I’ll just have to see if anyone in the building has any sugar I can borrow.” The Critic grumbled under his breath about baking, dumb neighbors, and Spoony as he put on his jacket and hat, before grabbing his measuring cup and heading outside to pester his neighbors. The dorm right next to his was void of all people, as was the place next to them. The next four dorms had people, but no sugar, and the next one had several inhabitants who all seemed too stoned to even understand what sugar was at the moment.

“Oh, fuck you all!” the Critic cried as he slammed the door in their giggling faces. “I can’t believe my whole plan is falling to pieces because not one fucking person in this building likes sugar in their coffee!” He sighed loudly and rubbed at the bridge of his nose. “Why did Linkara have to choose this of all weekends to visit his family? I could really use his advice on what to do!”

The Critic cursed a little more before finally moving to the last dorm in this hallway. If this one proved to be useless as well, he’d have to try one of the other floors in the building. Luckily, the guy who lived in this dorm was someone he knew, and someone who owed him a favor.

“Uh, hey! 90s Kid? This is the Nostalgia Critic,” he called as he knocked. “I’m Linkara’s roommate who you’ve met a few times! I lent you twenty bucks, remember? Uh, I’m not here looking to collect on that, I’m actually wondering if you had any sugar I could borrow! I’m sort of in a tough situation here, and I could really use some help!”

“Hold on, dude, I’m coming!” The Critic ended up waiting a few minutes before a somewhat disheveled, hat-less 90s Kid pulled open the door and smiled at him. “Hey, Critic dude! Come on in! We totally have sugar you can borrow!”

“Thanks,” Critic said as he walked into the living room. He then noticed a young man in a white suit jacket and slacks sitting on the couch. “Oh, sorry to intrude when you have company.”

“That’s cool,” 90s Kid said while opening the door to his pantry. “This is Dan from my sociology class. Dan, this is the Critic. He’s a totally nice guy who lives with Linkara.”

“Nice to meet you.” The Critic couldn’t help noticing Dan was sitting at a bit of an awkward angle on the sofa, with one elbow propped on his tightly crossed legs so that his hand was firmly pressed against the side of his neck. He also seemed a little red-faced and the back of his hair was sticking up at strange angles. The Critic started to feel uncomfortable.

“Yeah, you too,” he mumbled as he turned to watch 90s Kid rummage through the shelves of food instead. He also noticed how the younger man was missing his plaid jacket, and that the WYSIWYG shirt he always wore was on inside-out. “I’m… so sorry if I interrupted… anything,” the Critic said, even more uncomfortable now.

“N-no, you didn’t,” 90s Kid said too quickly to seem natural.

“We were just… watching a movie,” Dan offered.

“With the TV off?” the Critic asked, unable to stop his smirk as he glanced at the dark screen.

“Oh, I must have accidentally shut it off when you knocked,” Dan said with a sheepish chuckle. “These modern remotes have too many buttons anyway.”

“Uh huh,” the Critic said, in a tone that said he clearly disbelieved their claims. “So, is your neck okay, Dan? You’re holding it like you twisted it or something.” Dan’s face reddened and he seemed to press his palm even further into his skin.

“Uh… yeah… I twisted it.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe you should put some ice on it.” This remark made 90s Kid start giggling softly, while Dan’s face seemed to grow redder.

“I’ll, uh, definitely look into that.” The Critic felt that uncomfortable prickling travel down his spine again and swiftly turned back to 90s Kid.
“So, how’s it going?”

“Not awesome,” 90s Kid said, closing the door to the pantry with a frown. “I know we have sugar, but I can’t find it.”

“Maybe you stuck it in the fridge,” the Critic suggested, trying not to sound as desperate as he felt.

“Maybe. Let me check.” 90s Kid pulled open the door and stuck his head in. “Let’s see: milk, ketchup, OJ, mayo, whipped cream-”

“You have whipped cream?” Dan asked, which made 90s Kid pause for a few seconds before he pulled out the canister and set it on the counter.

“We’re, uh, having sundaes later,” he told the Critic with a smile that confirmed 90s Kid should never play poker.

“Fine, I don’t care, just keep looking,” the Critic snapped. His patience was near non-existence by now, and being around these two just made him long for a gun. Whom he would use it on was still up for debate in his mind.

“Oh, here it is!” 90s Kid pulled out the lumpy bag triumphantly and offered it to the Critic.

“Oh thank God!” the Critic cried, hugging the sugar to his chest. “Thank you so much, 90s Kid!”

“No problem, dude. Now we’re totally even.”

“Wait, what?” the Critic balked. He was attempting to pour the sugar into his cup and almost spilled it all over the counter. “A bag of sugar doesn’t cost twenty-oh, fine, forget it, we’re even. I just want to get back to my cake and away from… whatever the fuck you were doing.”

“Ok dude! See you!” He and Dan waved to the Critic as he made his escape from the room and flew back down the hallway to his dorm.

“How is that kid getting more action than me?” the Critic wondered once he was safely back in his kitchen. However, he didn’t have time to puzzle out the answer to that question, not when there was still baking to be done! Now that he was back on schedule, the Critic felt reassured that his cake would come out perfectly. If everything went according to his plans, he’d be sitting in his car with the Nerd’s gift by 9, and offering it to the Nerd by 9:05.


Nothing ever went according to his plans. The Critic realized this after spending two hours trying to stay awake in the front seat of his car, which was stationed in the parking lot of the Nerd’s building.

“Damn you, Spoony,” the Critic moaned as he checked the time again. “You were supposed to bring him back by now. He doesn’t even like staying out this late. Fucking moron.” The Critic continued to besmirch his roommate’s good name until he dozed, and spent several minutes snoring over the steering wheel. Then his head dropped down onto the horn, and he jerked back up with a startled “It wasn’t me!”

Fortunately, this was an opportune moment to awaken, since it allowed the Critic to notice Spoony’s car pull into the lot and drive over to the side of the building before stopping.

“Good, they’re finally back.” The Critic watched with rapt attention as the Nerd climbed out of Spoony’s car, although his expression darkened when he saw Spoony exit as well. “What’s he doing now?” What he was doing was getting ready to pull the Nerd into a tight hug that made the Critic grind his teeth furiously. He also whispered said something that made the Nerd’s face light up, and the Critic’s heart plunge into his stomach.

“What… what am I doing?” He looked down at the plastic container resting on the seat beside him and considered everything he’d done so far. “Is this all just a waste of time? Am I being ridiculous?” The Critic turned his gaze back in time to watch Spoony pull away from the curb and the Nerd start walking toward his door.

“No. I refuse to give up.” The Critic grabbed his cake and slid out of his car before rushing over to catch the Nerd. “Hey! Hey, Nerd!”

“Critic?” The Nerd turned around in surprise as he watched the other man approach him. “What are you doing out so late?” The Critic fiddled with the handle of his cake holder.

“I just… I wanted to give this to you.” He handed over his present. “Happy birthday.”

“For me?” The Nerd looked down at the gift and a small smile appeared on his face. “Thank you so much, Critic. I didn’t even think you knew where I lived, but you still came all this way just to give me this? You didn’t have to do all that.”

“Uh, well, Spoony told me you lived here,” the Critic said. He technically had, since Nerd’s address was among the information gleaned from Spoony’s phone. “I know he probably took you out for a really great day and my stupid little cake can’t compare, but I spent so long baking it that I just had to give it to you on your actual birthday.” The Nerd’s brows rose again.

“You baked this yourself?” The Critic nodded.

“I haven’t tasted any of it, but I think it turned out pretty good.” The Nerd started to laugh and the Critic frowned at him. “What?”

“If you didn’t taste it, why do you have chocolate on your face?” The Critic felt his cheeks burn and he quickly brought a hand up toward his mouth. He stopped when his wrist was caught in a firm but gentle grip and lowered back down. “Don’t worry. I’ll get it.” The Critic’s face scrunched in confusion before the Nerd leaned in close and brushed his lips against his own.

For a second, the world seemed to stop.

“Tastes good to me,” the Nerd said softly once he’d pulled back. He licked his lips but kept his eyes focused on the Critic’s.

The Critic recovered from his shock more quickly than he expected to, and pulled the Nerd close to kiss him again, eagerly crushing their lips together, as well as the cake in the process, but neither seemed to notice this.

“Let’s go inside,” the Nerd murmured when they again parted for air.

“Don’t you have to get up early?” the Critic asked before the voice that always called him an idiot for blowing things started screaming in the back of his head. Luckily, the Nerd smiled at him and took his hand.

“I think I can take a day off.”

They dropped the slightly squashed cake onto the kitchen table before bounding toward the Nerd’s bedroom. The Critic almost couldn’t believe this was happening, and wondered if he’d fallen asleep while waiting for the cake to finish baking, but then a yank of his tie brought him out of that ponderance.

“Ow! Hey, don’t pull on that,” he muttered before rubbing his barely sore neck.

“God, I didn’t think you’d be such a fragile baby,” the Nerd teased while pulling off the Critic’s jacket.

“We’ll see who’s fragile,” the Critic growled. He pushed the Nerd down onto his bed before diving on top of him.

They wrestled around for a bit, kissing and nipping at new areas of exposed skin once another item of clothing was removed, hissing from fingers lightly scratching down backs, moaning whenever teeth were properly introduced to sensitive flesh. The Critic quickly discovered the Nerd’s weakness for having his inner thighs stroked and kissed, and took advantage of it until the Nerd was mewling like a kitten.

“F-fuck, Critic,” he panted, one hand carding through the Critic’s hair, the other wrapped around his cock and pumping slowly. “You’re such a t-tease!”

“You’re one to talk!” The Critic moaned as he thrusted against the Nerd’s hand harder and harder. “God, move your hand!”

“When I feel like it,” the Nerd replied, still bearing that smirk that drove the Critic wild. In response, the Critic bent down, licked from the Nerd’s hipbone to his cock, and chuckled when he arched his back.

“Feel like it now?”

“Bite me!”

“If you insist.” The Critic grazed his teeth along the Nerd’s shaft and chuckled at his whimpers before slowly taking him into his mouth. He swirled his tongue along the Nerd’s cock before reaching out to slowly squeeze his balls. This finally spurred the Nerd into action and he started squeezing the Critic’s cock in rhythm with the other man’s movements.

The Nerd came first and cried out so loudly that the Critic worried someone from next door might call them to complain. Then he came, and all thought vanished from his mind.

“Damn.” The Nerd, panting heavily now, lied back and rested his head against his pillow. The Critic opted to use the other man’s chest for a pillow and nuzzled against his warm skin, earning a laugh from the Nerd. “That was the best fucking birthday I’ve ever had.”

“Wait ‘til you see what I get you for Christmas,” the Critic said before his mind realized what words his mouth had just blurted out. He scrambled up in a panic and looked down at the Nerd in embarrassment. “I-I mean, only if you… I wouldn’t presume anything from this… if you just want to be causal… or are we together at all? Oh fuck.” The Critic sighed and rubbed his eyes, but was pulled back down onto the Nerd’s chest before he could say anything else.

“God, you really are an idiot, aren’t you?” The Critic looked ready to complain about this accusation, but stilled when he felt the Nerd’s fingers stroke along his neck. “Why don’t we just get some sleep and maybe tomorrow you can figure out that I like you, dickhole.”

“You’re a dickhole,” the Critic muttered like a petulant child, but he smiled then and snuggled up closer to the Nerd.

“So, Critic… when’s your birthday?”  

slash, fanfic, tgwtg, avgn, 90s kid, au, 80s dan, nostalgia critic

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