Your Homework Can Wait: Chapter 2

Aug 15, 2011 23:58

Whee, a second chapter to my alternate universe where some of the reviewers are in college together. This again focuses on the Critic's quest to get with the Nerd, despite interference from his roommates, the well-meaning Linkara and the asshole rival, Spoony. I think in the third chapter I will put some more reviewers in because the Critic will need to ask to borrow something from them. And I know just which reviewers to add, hahaha.

Linkara sprinkles a generous helping of cheese on the bowl of freshly popped popcorn before turning to check on the oven timer. His pizza puffs will be ready in three minutes. Perfect. Linkara then loads his arms with several cans of soda and bottle of waters from the fridge and carries them over to the table in their shared living area. He sets them down and positions them in a semi-circle happily before catching sight of the Critic on the couch not five inches away.

“You know, this would go faster if you helped me,” he tells his dormmate with an expression of annoyance. “I’m setting all this up for your new friend, after all.”

“I know, and I really appreciate it,” the Critic says without looking at Linkara. His eyes are glued to the large television and his fingers are rapidly pressing down on the Supernintendo controller he clutches. “But you know I’m no good at this domestic crap. I’d probably just burn the food or drop stuff and that would just fuck up the whole evening. But you, Linkara, you’re a natural at this, and I really can’t thank you enough for helping me.” The Critic pauses the game long enough to flash Linkara a dopey smile of thanks.

“Yeah, you can repay me by doing the grocery shopping next week,” Linkara grumbles, even though the corners of his lips keep twitching as he fights back a smile. A ding from the oven quickly draws his attention. “My puffs!”

The Critic watches him scurry away before returning to his game. He chuckles victoriously as he bounces his T-shirt wearing bobcat character off taxicabs and floats through the air in pursuit of hovering yarn balls.

“Oh Bubsy,” the Critic remarks fondly as the bobcat kills yet another alien who seems to be trying to blow its nose on him. “People may call you a cheap Sonic rip-off, but you’ll always be number one in my heart.”

“Speaking of number one, have you cleaned the bathroom like you were supposed to?” Linkara asks as he sets the puffs on the counter to cool.

“Oh, I hate cleaning the bathroom,” the Critic whines as he maneuvers Bubsy to the end of yet another level. “Can’t I trade jobs with you again this week? I’ll vacuum this whole place tomorrow, I swear!”

“You know I wouldn’t mind trading jobs, but I’m a little busy with the food right now,” Linkara says as he arranges several cookies on a plate. “I don’t have time to clean anything in the next half hour, so if you’re okay with the state of the bathroom right now, then yes, I will trade with you tomorrow. I just hope your friend doesn’t need to use it while here.”

“Oh damn it,” the Critic moans as he’s forced to pause the game. “Fine, I’ll do it now. Just don’t touch this, because I’m still playing.”

“I won’t,” Linkara promises. The Critic sighs and mutters under his breath as he hurries to grab cleaning supplies from under the sink. After fifteen grueling minutes with a toilet brush and a sponge, he gazes over the sparkling room with a smile.

“Finally done. And now, time for more Bubsy!” The Critic rushes to place the supplies back under the sink when familiar noises from the television make him suddenly jump, hitting his head in the process. “Ow, damn it! Linkara, you asshole, you promised not to play-”

The Critic trails off when he realizes the Nerd is sitting on his couch and holding his controller.

“Oh, were you playing this?” he asks apologetically. “Your roommate with the hat said I could take a turn.”

“That’s fine,” the Critic blurts out as he rushes to settle himself on the other end of the sofa. “I just didn’t know you were already here.”

“I called to you five minutes ago that he was here,” Linkara says as he walks out of his room.

“How was I supposed to hear that when my head was in a fucking toilet?” the Critic yells at him before turning sheepishly to the Nerd. “I-I was just cleaning it. I wasn’t sick or anything.”

“I figured,” the Nerd says as he turns his attention back to the screen. “Wow, this game is really a shitload of fuck.”

“That’s actually one of the Critic’s favorites,” Linkara announces as he sits in the large armchair next to the couch and helps himself to a cooled pizza roll. The Critic glares at him furiously while the Nerd merely laughs.

“I didn’t realize you had such shitty taste, Critic,” he says with a teasing smile.

“Haha, good one,” the Critic mutters, blushing slightly as he stands up to pull the cartridge from the system. “Why don’t we get down to some serious gaming now, if you’re interested?”

“I never back down from a challenge,” the Nerd responds, a look of determination crossing his face.

“All right, then let’s get started,” Linkara replies cheerfully, completely unaware of how much the Critic wishes he would fall into a hole and disappear for the rest of the night.

Fortunately, the heavens seem to be in a good mood tonight, as not ten minutes after starting a game does Linkara’s cell phone ring.

“Excuse me,” Linkara apologizes as he walks over toward the kitchen before answering. “Hello? Oh, hey Liz, how are you?”

“Yes!” the Critic thinks as Linkara hurries to his room for more privacy. “He and Iron Liz are always on the phone for hours! This will totally give me the opportunity I need to-”

“Hey, you up for some Street Fighter II?” the Nerd asks, interrupting the Critic’s thoughts. “I think I could probably kick your ass five times in the span of ten minutes.” He grins cockily and licks his lips, which makes the Critic’s heart start to beat faster.

“You are fucking on!”

The Critic’s desire for the Nerd is swiftly squashed by his desire to win, and soon the two are engaged in a fierce battle for pixilated supremacy. Unfortunately for the Critic, his lack of familiarity with fighting games makes him easy prey to the Nerd, who punctuates each proclamation of victory with a smirk and an obnoxious laugh that makes the Critic grind his teeth.

“Hadouken!” the Nerd shouts as he blasts the Critic’s Chun-Li into the air. “And that’s, what, my twenty-first victory in a row? You just make it too easy, Critic.”

“Shut up!” the Critic growls as he slams his controller to the floor and reaches for another soda. “You only win because you’re a cheap bastard who spams special attacks instead of going for variety like I do!”

“Excuse me?” the Nerd asks, tossing his controller aside as well before turning to glare at the other man. “I do not spam special attacks-you just don’t know any of the combos to activate them!”

“I guess that’s because I haven’t spent ten straight years playing video games like you!” the Critic snaps after slamming his can down on the table, spilling a little of it. “I actually had a life!”

“You fucking asshole!” The Nerd gives the Critic a hard shove, which causes the Critic to gape at him for a moment before he shoves back. The two are soon engaged in a full-scale wrestling match on the sofa before they roll off onto the floor.

“You cocksucker!” the Critic shouts as he tries to knee the Nerd in the stomach.

“You ass-muncher!” the Nerd fires back as he flips the two over and yanks on the Critic’s tie. The Critic deftly slips from his grasp and flips them over again, so that he is lying on top of the Nerd, pinning each of his wrists to the carpet.

“Got… you now…” the Critic pants as he stares down at the Nerd. He suddenly realizes the two are in very close proximity while sweaty, flushed, and breathing heavily. Without being able to help himself, the Critic feels his arousal quickly grow, followed by a surge of panic which quickly floods through his body.

“Let me… up… you fucker…” The Nerd struggles for freedom underneath him, which results in his crotch rubbing against the Critic’s. In his panic to shift away from this touch, as well as not to moan out loud, the Critic fails to realize that he is not the only one aroused by the situation.

“I’ll let you go,” the Critic murmurs as he settles his lower half on the floor instead of on the other man, “if you admit you’re a cheap bastard when we play games.”

“Well, since I’ll never say that, what are you going to do to me?” The Nerd offers a challenge with his look then, almost smiling as he waits for the Critic’s response. The Critic moves his head closer to the Nerd’s so that his warm breath blows across his neck when he speaks.

“What do you think I’m going to do?” The Nerd only stares at him in response, although his lips part slightly and his eyes seem to close somewhat. Feeling bold, the Critic moves even closer so that their faces are only an inch apart.

“I’m home, bitches!”

“Mother fucking piece of whore shit!” This is a sample of what flows through the Critic’s mind as he and the Nerd scramble away from each other at the sound of the door opening and Spoony walking inside.

“H-hey, man,” the Nerd calls to Spoony, sounding only somewhat dazed. “Good to see you again.” The Critic can’t be sure, but he suspects there is a note of disappointment in the other man’s voice.

“Nerd! I didn’t know you were going to be here.” Spoony walks over to the living room but narrows his eyes when he notices the Critic. “Did Critic invite you over for some special ‘alone time’?”

“I invited him to play video games with me and Linkara,” the Critic spits out, desperately willing the heavens to make Spoony disappear before he ruins the evening. Sadly, the heavens have already used up all the goodwill allotted to the Critic.

“Oh, and where is Linkara then?” Spoony says as he puts his hand to his forehead and looks about the room. “I can’t seem to find him at all.”

“He got a phone call,” the Nerd says quickly.

“Yeah, from Liz,” the Critic clarifies.

“I see.” Spoony looks unconvinced. “How nice of you to not invite me to this party. By the way, your jacket and tie are all messed up, Critic, and it looks like a few of the pens from your pocket have fallen out, Nerd.”

“What?” The Critic looks down and quickly smoothes his rumpled clothing while the Nerd scrambles to collect his pens from the floor.

“We, uh, got a little excited when we were playing,” he tells Spoony with a look of slight embarrassment.

“I’m sure you did,” Spoony says, peering directly at the Critic. He blushes and scowls, ready to argue further with his roommate, but Spoony doesn’t give him the chance. “So Nerd, since your birthday’s coming up this weekend, I was hoping I could treat you to lunch and an afternoon at the arcade.”

“Oh, that’d be awesome,” the Nerd replies, his expression quickly brightening.

“It’s you birthday this weekend?” the Critic asks, obviously stunned to learn this news.

“Yeah, on Saturday,” the Nerd answers.

“I’m surprised you didn’t know.” Spoony smirks, and the Critic gets the urge to rip his lips off his face.

“Just how did you find out? What are you, stalking him now?”

“Uh, no, I asked him,” Spoony responds in a tone that clearly says ‘why didn’t you think of that yourself’. “Anyway, I have my own awesome game collection in my room, so if you’d like to see it I’m always glad to brag.”

“Sure,” the Nerd says, moving over closer to Spoony before stopping and turning back. “Uh, hey Critic, this has been real fun and shit, and I’d hate to be rude, but do you mind-”

“No, it’s fine,” the Critic says, plastering a smile onto his face so wide it almost hurts. “I’m getting tired myself, so I think I’ll just clean up here and then head to bed.”

“You sure you don’t need help cleaning or anything?” the Nerd asks, his brows furrowing slightly.

“Nah, he’s fine,” Spoony quickly says as he rests his arm around the Nerd’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s go.”

The Nerd shoots him one last, undecipherable look before being ushered into Spoony’s room. Spoony slams the door shut, loud enough to make Linkara yell through the walls about the sound, and to cover the scream of frustration the Critic releases as he starts to pick up the popcorn bowl and soda cans.

“God damn you, Spoony, I swear by everything I am that I will not let you steal him from me,” he mutters while shoving things into the fridge without rhyme or reason. “You may be all suave and full of gamer-knowledge, but the Nerd will be mine!”

After everything is cleaned, the Critic returns to his own bedroom and sits on his bed and watches cartoons at a soft enough volume that he can still make out sounds out in the hallway, until he hears the Nerd walk out of Spoony’s room.

“That was great, man, thanks for letting me play,” the Nerd says.

“No problem, you’re welcome to come over anytime.”

“Wow, it’s getting late now. I should probably go, I’ve got an early class tomorrow. Maybe I should go tell the Critic that I’m leaving.”

“He’s probably asleep, Nerd. I haven’t heard a peep out of him for a while and his room looks dark.” The Critic grinds his teeth furiously and thinks about all the different ways he wants to murder Spoony.

“Yeah, I guess he could be…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell him and Linkara how you really appreciated being invited over.”

“Ok, thanks. Uh, can I use your bathroom real quick before leaving?”

“Oh, sure.” The Critic listens as the Nerd’s footsteps walk into the bathroom before the door is shut, while Spoony’s footsteps move directly in front of the door to his room. Oh, Spoony would be a dead man very soon.

A minute later and the Nerd appears again, walking over to meet Spoony by the Critic’s door.

“Lead the way,” he says with a chuckle. Spoony does and the Nerd follows, but not before quickly bending down and shoving something under the Critic’s door. The Critic stares at it in wonder but forces himself to remain on his bed until he hears the door leading outside close. Then he dives onto the floor and pulls the object protectively to his chest.

It turns out to be a note, written on folded school paper in black marker handwriting that is recognizable as the Nerd’s.


The Critic smiles joyfully as he clutches the note to his chest, like a teenage girl would do with a love letter. But, instead of getting lost in fantasies that quickly get X-rated, he turns his mind to more pressing matters.

What is he going to get the Nerd for his birthday?

spoony, fanfic, tgwtg, avgn, linkara, nostalgia critic

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