Apr 12, 2005 02:39
the time: 2:13 am
the place: my room, in bed
the event: Rod Carillo's calling
the story: I roll myself over from my pseudo-slumber to the polyphonic jive of ATC's all around the world playing at motorola level 7. I unplug the phone and hit the kill all noises key. But then I realize; Rod Carillo is a dj and my services may be needed, despite my recent lack of employment at energy. So I pick up anyway.
And what info has he to lay on me? None other than Mikeo's been laid off and that he is the new program director. ...uh oh. I bet Mike's not too happy. Anyway, now that their program director and afternoon host is gone, there's a lot of slack to be picked up. Also, since my termination papers haven't even been drawn yet, they'd like to know if I can continue working for them.
the effects: This means that I have 92.7/101.1 by the short hairs. They're understaffed and lookin' to bargain. It's been over 6 months now, I'm due for a raise. Maybe it's after 9 months, but I am confident it's 6. So, do I ask for a mere 5%, or do I go for them and ask for $9/hr? Hmmm. Also, since I finished training my replacement, I have seniority (okay, so it's over one person, but ya know what... I forget now), therefore I may be able to work my way into a decent shift. Hard to say at this point.
the questions:(1) Do I even stay at all?
(1a) Do I honor my celebrations and stay away, or
(1b) Do I attend my desperate need for cash?
(2) Do I keep my head down and appreciate $7/hour?
(3) Do I attempt at the chance at a better shift...during the week, or at least day?
I have until Wednesday at 3 to figure it out. And now that I remember that I have people to pick up and such, it may end up being Wednesday at 4. -_- If only Phæthea were legal to drive. Damn!!
Also, since it's so late and my contacts are back in, I think I've decided to stay up all night...again. Damn it! I mean, I can go for about a straight week without sleeping, but ...by the end of the week, it'd be safer for the general public if I just go to sleep. Besides, I'm staring down the barrel of a 9 hour day, to commence 3 hours from now. I've just been so overlayed with stress that I don't know what to do! Gah!