Jul 28, 2006 11:56
Once again, even without school I have been procrastinating on cleaning, still unpacking, reading the reader I need to read prior to orientation, I am almost half done, but haven't felt like reading it in a week or so. I have found many ways to procrastinate. I made a new user pic, it is of my dog, Princess. I started to unpack some more and gathered all my computer stuff, but I can't find my keyboard, so now I stopped. I need to buy another bookshelf, as I keep finding more and more boks, and have no where to put them, as the shelves I have are almost full. And I need room for my other books that I will get for the coming semesters... Maybe I'll go to Goodwill, but it is so hot, so most likely I will stay here and avoid the heat.
I just realized this is the most boring post ever. I am sorry, but procrastination struck me hard. I didn't even have anything exciting to write on LJ, so it is just randomness.