[fic post] Walls Come Crashing Down

Feb 26, 2011 01:13

Title: Walls Come Crashing Down
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst/Romance
Pairings or Characters: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: spoilers for 6.15, wing!kink
Word Count: 2080
Summary: Dean decides that there couldn't have been a better place at a better time because this is them.
Author Notes: Coda to 6.15.

Walls Come Crashing Down

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Bobby grumbles. Dean's been slamming books closed, slamming the fridge door closed, stomping around and pouting for the last two hours, and while Sam's been patient enough not to comment, Bobby's had enough.

"Nothing," Dean says quickly into his beer. Bobby rolls his eyes and drops his feet off his desk.

"I know I missed out on your weird adventure, but you gave me the rundown, and as I understand it, we don't have to worry about upstairs anymore and we can focus on the problems we've got down here. Now, I don't really understand what the problem is, so if you're going to pout over nothing, go do it out in the rain so I can concentrate."

Dean makes a face but stomps out of the room, slamming the front door shut behind him when he heads outside. Bobby grunts and goes back to his lore book while Sam glances at the door helplessly and sighs.

Outside, it's still pouring, so Dean slides into the Impala to keep dry. He finishes the last of his beer and stares at the bottle in his hands before opening the car door to throw it angrily into the junkyard.

"Cas, you asshole," he grumbles, pulling the door shut again.


Dean shouts and jerks, slamming his head on the roof of the car, whipping his head around to see Cas sitting next to him, looking tired.

"Jesus Christ, Cas," Dean hisses, "Don't just pop out of nowhere."

"You called."

"No I didn't," Dean protests lamely. Maybe he didn't say it out loud, but they both know he's been thinking about praying to Cas to come back for the last few hours. Cas tilts his head, waiting patiently to hear why Dean's been wanting to talk to him, and Dean lets out a sigh.

"You can't just... do that," he says at last, turning to stare at the steering wheel.

"Do what, Dean?"

"Use us. Without telling us what you're doing."

"Like the way you use me whenever you need me?"

"Hey, at least we fill you in when we need your help."

"I needed to do it, Dean. I won't apologize."

"Fine, be an dick," Dean grumbles, folding his arms over his chest. He hears Cas sigh beside him and shift, turning away.

"Is that all you wanted to say?"

Dean rubs a hand against his eyes, tapping his foot against the break pedal nervously.


"Then what else? What else have I done that upset you, Dean?" Cas asks, and Dean flinches at the irritation there, but he can't help but smile now that Cas is finally learning how sarcasm works. He lets out a breath and looks over at Cas to see him frowning at the window.

"I saw, uh, fake-you when Balthazar zapped us to the weird TV universe. I didn't like him, though, he was kind of a freak."

"And?" Cas asks, impatient.

"He died." Cas turns his head to meet his eyes then, and Dean's amazed at how tired he looks. "Both times you've died, there wasn't really... a body left, y'know? It never really sunk in for me, and you always came back. But his was... It was like looking at you, but you were dead, and in that world, you can't come back. I don't know why, but it freaked me out a little. Maybe a lot."

Cas stares at him for a long time, quietly thinking while Dean's busy freaking out inside his own head, embarrassed and nervous and relieved all at once because this is Cas he just confessed to, not some weirdo that wears ugly sweaters and never puts down his phone.

"I can't promise I'll always come back," Cas says at length, glancing down at his hands in his lap, "It's why I need to be careful, and why I can't tell you everything. Not now, anyway." He sounds guilty, and Dean feels like a brat, because he should understand that Cas' fight in the war is more important than him now, but Cas has always been on his side before, and to watch him drift away hurts more than he'd like it to.

Dean swallows, mouth suddenly dry, and reaches over, grabbing Cas by the sleeve and tugging. Cas looks confused, but no longer irritated as he slides closer on the seat, letting Dean pull him closer.

"Sorry," Dean mumbles, leaning forward.

"For what?" Cas asks, still utterly clueless even with Dean's face an inch from his. Dean doesn't answer, because there's a whole hell of a lot that he's sorry for, but the whole chick flick moment thing is happening and he sucks at explaining himself anyway, so he leans the rest of the way, closing the space between them, and presses their lips together.

Cas is rock solid and cold, and for a second it feels like kissing marble, but Dean feels Cas liquefy the next second, melting against his mouth the moment he understands what's happening. Cas opens his lips to press his tongue against Dean's and Dean is surprised at first before remembering the pizza man and Meg incidents. He lets out a grunt into Cas' mouth, feeling a mix of amusement and annoyance at the thought. Not wanting to be shown up by a porn star and a demon, he reaches a hand up, sliding into Cas' hair and pulling him closer, tongue expertly sliding against Cas' and getting a shiver in response. Cas shifts back, their mouths separating with a soft noise that sounds impossibly loud in the space inside the Impala.

"Dean," Cas mumbles breathlessly, and Dean can't help but grin, fingers stroking through Cas' hair.

"I'm a hell of a lot better than that demon skank, Meg, huh?"

"Yes," Cas nods without hesitation. Dean's eyes flick down to Cas' tie and he smiles a bit wider, his other hand already undoing the knot and sliding it free to drop on the floor of the car. When Cas doesn't say anything, staring at him patiently, Dean starts on the buttons of his shirt, too.

"Y'know. When you got rid of Raphael, that was pretty badass. And the wings and everything, that was pretty hot," Dean says absently, dick hardening in his jeans the more buttons he undoes until Cas' shirt is hanging open. He doesn't bother hiding the way he licks his lips as his hand goes further, starting on Cas' belt.

"My wings?" Cas asks, and outside the rain suddenly starts to pound down harder and lightning flashes, shadows of his wings covering the entire roof of the car and most of the backseat. Dean's stomach flips and he's fully hard when the lightning fades and thunder rumbles, Cas looking at him anxiously.

"Dude. Are you, like, peacocking right now?" Dean laughs, sliding the belt out of Cas' slacks and moving to work on the zipper. He doesn't say anything, but he's feeling pretty proud about how easy he's doing this with one hand.

"Peacocking?" Cas repeats, not understanding.

"Nevermind," Dean says quickly, happy to find Cas just as hard as he is underneath his hand. He presses his palm down onto it and watches Cas suck in a breath and dig his hands into Dean's leg. "But seriously, those wings. Hottest things. You should show them off more often."

Cas pushes his hips upward, into Dean's warm hand, and starts to moan softly. Dean smiles at the suddenly very frequent lightning flashes give him constant glimpses of Cas' wings, fluttering and flapping around, barely contained in the Impala. When Dean pulls his hand away to work on his own jeans, Cas lets out a frustrated noise and frowns at him impatiently. Dean leans forward and kisses him lazily, hand squeezing on Cas' neck.

"Look, I don't, ah, have any condoms or lube or anything," he says against Cas' lips as he pushes down his jeans and strokes himself once through his boxers.

"Okay?" Cas mumbles back, and Dean should've figured the angel would be clueless about gay sex when his only experience with sex is a porn tape.

"It's okay, we can still--ah, fuck," Dean hisses when Cas reaches forward and experimentally squeezes his dick, "We'll just save the other stuff for later, that's all. Hey, lean back."

Cas obeys, leaning back when Dean pushes gently on his shoulder until he's laying down on the seat. Dean hovers over him, tugging Cas' slacks down to his knees before shoving his own jeans and boxers down his thighs. Cas stares, fascinated by Dean's dick bobbing between them as Dean rolls his boxers down and lowers his hips, both of them hissing loudly at the feeling of skin against skin. The lightning keeps flashing, but Dean's too busy focusing on Cas' face to see much of his wings. He rocks forward once, cock sliding against the jut of Cas' hip, and his head falls forward to rest on the leather above Cas' shoulder.

Cas brings a hand up to grab Dean by the ass and tug him down while pushing his waist upwards at the same time, forcing them closer and making sure there's skin touching everywhere. Dean laughs and rolls his cock down against Cas' again, smiling when Cas lets out a greedy moan.

"Feels good, huh?"

"Yes, Dean. Yes it does."

Dean drops a hand to Cas' waist, holding him tightly as he starts moving, guiding Cas to match his rhythm. It's sloppy and awkward and the front seat of the Impala is even smaller than the back seat, and Dean's pretty sure they could've done this in a better place at a better time. But listening to Cas' breathing and the small, desperate noises he gets every time they slide against each other just right, Dean decides that there couldn't have been a better place at a better time because this is them.

Cas' skin is still cool, even as Dean starts to sweat, but Dean chalks it up to another weird angel thing and starts pressing kisses down Cas' neck, smiling at each gasp he gets in response. He feels Cas' legs shifting against his, squirming with each rock of their dicks against each other, and he wants to laugh, but the air freezes in his lungs when he feels something drag against his back.

"Cas? What was--" he starts to ask, looking down between them and seeing Cas' hands still holding onto him, when the something does it again and he jerks hard, disrupting their rhythm. Cas moans impatiently and keeps rubbing against him, and between the tingling in his back and the constant, cool pressure of Cas' cock against his, he suddenly feels lightheaded and has to fight to keep from coming then and there.

"No, seriously, Cas, there's something--" he tries to explain, looking away from Cas to try and figure out what it is when more lightning flashes and he sees the shadow of a wing above him, suddenly flicking forward just as he feels a hard brush against his back.

"Dean," Cas moans impatiently, and Dean feels his balls tighten and his cock jerk, and he's right there, and he's going to come any second.

"Oh, fuck, Cas, don't-- your wings--"

Another drag of grace against his back, and even through his shirt, it feels like heaven being pressed against his skin, and with a choked groan and a few jerks of his hips, he comes all over Cas' stomach. Dean barely holds himself up, hand digging into Cas' skin as he shakes and pumps his dick into Cas' hip with residual waves of pleasure. Blissed out of his mind, he kisses his way up Cas' neck until he finds his mouth and swallows Cas' moans as he works his cock against Dean's. It doesn't take him much longer before he's coming, too, hands on Dean's ass pulling him down so hard he wonders if his hips will break.

Dean pushes himself back up to stare down at Cas' face, flushed and contented.

"So," he smiles, breathing hard, "How was that?"

"You said," Cas pants, blinking sluggishly, and Dean's filled with pride at exhausting an angel, "there was... other stuff?"

Dean grins and licks at his lips.

"Oh, yeah. This is just the tip of the iceberg, Cas."

Cas nods, regarding him seriously.

"I look forward to the rest of the iceberg."

Dean laughs and leans back down, kissing Cas deep and slow.

pairing -- dean/castiel, rating -- [nc-17], !fic, supernatural

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