[fic post] Sleepovers

Oct 07, 2010 03:43

Title: Sleepovers
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Pairings or Characters: Riku/Sora, Kairi
Warnings: none
Word Count: 740
Summary: When Sora was little, he had a nightlight. Riku, unsurprisingly, mocked him endlessly for it.
Author Notes: This is so G it almost hurts. Also unabashed amounts of unbearable fluff. UNBEARABLE I SAY. It's to make up for how depressing Birth By Sleep is, okay. ;o;


Riku laid in the dark, staring up at the ceiling of Kairi's living room. Kairi was asleep on the couch, while he and Sora were stretched out on blankets on the floor. He heard Sora shift and glanced over, wondering if he wasn't the only one awake.

"Hey, Sora," he whispered, not sure if he would get a response.

"Nn?" Sora mumbled back groggily. Riku smiled but bit at his lip to make it go away.

"Do you remember when we were little? Before Kairi came, I mean."

Sora rolled over and stared at him with an open eye before it fluttered closed and he nodded yes into his pillow.

"You were so scared of the dark," Riku chuckled, getting a lazy arm tossed at him. He took that as Sora's sleepy attempt to smack him for bringing it up, but he didn't push it away. He reached up and started playing with the thin fingers on his chest. Sora was catching up to him in size, but his hands were still smaller, even if they were just as calloused.

"You had a nightlight, too. You couldn't sleep without it and you cried whenever your mom tried to take it out, even if she just wanted to replace the light bulb."

"Why are we talking about this?" Sora murmured grumpily into the pillow, muffling some of his words, but Riku still understood.

"But I didn't have a nightlight."

"Are you bragging about it?" Sora snapped, sounding less sleepy.

"Even though I didn't have one, you'd still come over for sleepovers. You'd bring over your nightlight each time, and sometimes it took me ages to get to sleep with that stupid thing on, it was so bright. I used to make fun of you for it, too, didn't I?"

"What didn't you make fun of me for?" Sora pointed out, but Riku kept going.

"But one time you forgot it. It was already eleven at night when you realized it so my parents were asleep and our houses were too far away for us to walk that late at night. I thought you were going to cry and cry until you got exhausted or something. I had a plan to sneak you snacks from downstairs until you were so full you fell asleep, but before I could do anything you crawled into bed with me."

Riku was still playing with Sora's fingers, and by now Sora was sitting up on his elbows, staring into Riku's face with a curious expression as he rambled on. Riku finally turned his head to the side to meet blue eyes with teal ones, bangs falling in disarray across his face.

"You said you'd be okay without a nightlight. Because you had me."

Sora stared at him for a long while, not sure what to say, before quietly admitting, "I don't remember that."

"I figured you didn't," Riku said, finally cracking a smile.

"Why'd you bring it up then?"

Riku turned his head back so he was staring at the ceiling again. He let his hand cover Sora's, tightening his grip until their fingers were entwined.

"I just wanted to say sorry."

"Sorry? What for?"

"For making fun of you about being afraid of the dark. I should've been the one afraid of it." He felt a squeeze of his fingers and looked down at the hands on his chest, smiling as he saw Sora resting his chin on top of them.

"Don't worry, you big baby. You won't be afraid of the darkness," Sora beamed.

"Oh? And why's that?" Riku asked, sounding skeptical.

"Because you've got me."

Riku paused for a moment before his smile was back in full force, reaching his free hand down to run a hand through Sora's hair. His grip tightened when he reached Sora's neck and Sora took it as his cue to climb forward. They were about to kiss when a soft voice from somewhere above them interrupted.

"Guys, what have I told you about sex in my house?" Kairi grumbled. Her voice was groggy, and Riku wasn't sure if she was actually awake, or if she was just so good at cockblocking that she could do it even in her sleep. Either way, he nudged Sora until he was lying back on the blankets beside him, and leaned down to give him a quick kiss on his cheek.

They soon fell asleep with their hands still held together.

pairing -- riku/sora, !fic, kingdom hearts, rating -- [g]

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