[fic post] The Last Gospel

May 14, 2010 13:45

Title: The Last Gospel
Rating: G
Genre: Gen/Pre-Slash
Pairings or Characters: Dean, Sam, Cas (bits can be read as Dean/Sam, Dean/Cas, Cas/Sam, Dean/Lisa and what-have-you)
Warnings: spoilers for 5.22, schmoop
Word Count: 752
Summary: These boys, these Winchesters, are overflowing with love for no damn reason. And it saved the world.
Author Notes: This is very odd. And sort-of fix-it!fic? I'm not really sure. Sappy and meta all mixed into one.

The Last Gospel

There is this thing that exists, that is truly incomprehensible. Well, that's not completely true. Billions of people understand and believe in it every second of every day passing on Earth. I guess "incomprehensible" isn't the right word. Maybe there isn't a word for what it is. It's all-encompassing and ever-present and the root of all good and evil in the universe. Is there a word for that? Maybe "dynamic" fits.

Take these boys, these Winchesters. Look at them, accepting that they live in misery because... why? Because Daddy told them to? Because they feel obligated? Because there are people out there who need saving and there's no one else to do it? Ask either of them, and they'd probably tell you to fuck off or give you one of those answers.

(Except the Daddy one. Don't tell them I said that, either. They're very touchy on the subject of their father.)

But really, there is no reason why they do it. Why they hop in that car and lose years of their life on the road, knowing no one but a few hunters, the occasional girl they spend a night or two with, and each other.

There is no reason.

There's just... love.

Love is why they do it. Love is why they do everything. Love for each other, love for family, love for home, love for the road, love for the car, love for the people they haven't met and never will meet but that they love anyway.

These boys, these Winchesters, are overflowing with love for no damn reason.

And it saved the world.

Now, take this angel, this Castiel. He is a strange creature. He doesn't know how to work a phone, he has absolutely no sense of humor (that anyone can understand, anyway), he can't not believe in something, he is blunt and tactless when it comes to bad news, and he really sucks at swearing. But that just makes him unique, not strange. What makes him strange is that, even after he lost faith in his Father, stopped serving Him, fell to Earth and became just as human (flawed, pained, filthy, angered) as Dean and Sam, he never lost his purpose or abandoned his duty.

His duty was to protect the Winchesters, and his purpose was to love them.

Castiel is an angel that loves, and it's surprising how few of those exist. Angels believe they aren't allowed to feel, and so they don't. There are exceptions, as there tend to be, but the majority are dutiful and loyal to a fault, but only towards their Father, and the minority feel envy of man and so chose to remove their grace and join them.

And then, there is Castiel, whose soul burns brighter than any other creature in heaven, because while on Earth, he discovered this bizarre, indescribable thing called love.

I know he won't stay in heaven long. He thinks it needs a new boss to keep order, what with his Father MIA and his eldest brothers either dead or trapped somewhere. But without the archangels around to bully everyone into fighting their fight with them, everyone's pretty mellow. Well, as mellow as tight-ass angels can get. The threat of the devil is gone, and with him, the need for angels.

But these Winchesters, this Sam and Dean, who are so filled with love that it hurts, are still trapped. Sam in his cage with the devil and Dean in a life he feels he doesn't deserve without his brother. Soon, Dean will return to the road, and Cas to his side, and the adventure will continue until Sam is saved and hunting wendigos is the regular Thursday routine.

But the story of Dean and Cas is not mine to tell. At least, not when it hasn't even really started yet.

Anyway, what I hope the readers take from these gospels is the importance of this... thing. This incomprehensible, perplexing, utterly strange and human thing. I still don't feel like I'm describing it right, but I guess I don't have to. Every soul born on Earth knows and understands it from birth. But it is just so incredible and awesome (in the original sense of the word; not like a hot dog or socks on sale, okay) that I can't do it justice, no matter what words I use.

But because of love, the world was saved, and because of love, there won't be an angel on Earth for another several thousand years. Save one.

pairing -- dean/castiel, !fic, supernatural, rating -- [g]

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