❝hell is so close and heaven's out of reach❞

Apr 04, 2010 22:58

reverse friends cut

I have a rather sizable flist, made even larger by the comms I watch, and I know that I don't comment a lot and I spend more time on plurk and all I do is just post fic (that isn't even that good) so here's me saying FEEL FREE TO CUT ME. I'll remove you back, and I'm screening the comments to this post, so you can tell me whatever you've been dying to tell me (and you can also let me know your plurk account if you feel like removing me off your timeline as well).

for anyone that decides to cut me, for whatever reason, just know that I am still very happy I met you, it's a shame we never got close/couldn't find something in common/drifted apart, thanks for putting up with me and sorry for driving you crazy. :)

&reverse f-cut

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