[fic post] Merit

Jan 07, 2010 02:42

Title: Merit
Rating: G
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Pairings or Characters: Kyouya/Haruhi
Warnings: ridiculous amounts of fluff
Word Count: 741
Summary: Most would be taken aback when the woman they were proposing to demanded an explanation for it. Kyouya had figured she would ask and had prepared an answer in advance.
Author Notes: For teh_amazing_one. My handle on Kyouya is a little iffy since I haven't written much Ouran in a while, so hopefully he isn't too OOC in this, but I thought him trying to persuade Haruhi into accepting a marriage proposal sounded like something that he might actually have to do. XD Oh Haruhi, always so difficult.


Kyouya pops the question exactly six months after their relationship begins. As the third son of the Ootori family, his father has no reason to object to him picking his own bride, though Haruhi's background will surely raise a few eyebrows. Not that it will cause Kyouya any trouble, nor will there be anything Haruhi can't charm her way through.

Kyouya takes her to an inexpensive sushi restaurant, near where her father lives. Haruhi remains unaware of his plans as they sit down and place their orders, because despite being a member of the upper crust of society, she discovered early on that Kyouya had no qualms with eating cheap food. He actually preferred it to fancy, five-star restaurants, which he only attended if there was a certain person to impress and chat up or some other merit to be earned.

Kyouya surprises her halfway through dinner by placing a small box on the table and pushing it towards her.

"What is it?" she asks, unaware of what it could be in a way that only Haruhi could manage.

"Open it up," Kyouya says calmly, chin resting on his palm. His heart is racing, though he has long learned how to hide it.

"It's... a ring?" she blinks, comprehension slowly dawning on her.

"How observant," he smirks. Reaching across the table, he takes her left hand in his and says coolly, "Marry me."

"Why?" Haruhi asks immediately, though she doesn't pull her hand away. Most would be taken aback when the woman they were proposing to demanded an explanation for it. Kyouya had figured she would ask and had prepared an answer in advance. He never was one to take risks unless he knew exactly what the risk was.

"Because I would like to be married, preferably with you," Kyouya answers.

"No, I mean why me? There's nothing in it at all for you."

"Does that mean you think I dated you simply because there was merit to be gained?"


Haruhi hesitates, nibbling at her thumbnail in thought as she stares down at the ring in front of her.

"You're right, though," Kyouya sighs, and he watches as her eyes dart back up to his. For a brief moment, he even spots disappointment. "I wouldn't take such a step if there was no merit in it. Then let's say that I were to wed the most willful, brilliant, beautiful, daring woman I have ever had the odd fortune of meeting. A woman whom most other men tend to fall for in a heartbeat. A woman that -- in a world she had no business butting her nose into, mind you -- managed to teach a group of stubborn idiots how to be slightly less idiotic. A woman that shatters my expectations again and again and again, leaving me quite lost until she deigns to grab hold of me and point me in the right direction. Tell me, Haruhi, if I were to wed this woman, would there really be no worth to that? None at all?"

Haruhi opens and closes her mouth a few times before biting on her bottom lip as a blush creeps into her cheeks. Kyouya cracks a smile and squeezes her hand in his.

"I like to think there is, anyway. So, does this woman have anything to say on the matter? Or am I to remain perpetually in the dark?"

She takes her time to reply, and despite his confidence Kyouya certainly feels anxious as he waits.

"... Okay," Haruhi answers after a while.

"Okay?" Kyouya repeats curiously.

"Okay, I'll marry you."

"You don't sound very enthusiastic," he points out.

"I'm not unenthusiastic, it's just that... well..." she trails off into mumbles, staring down at her lap.

"It's just that what?" Kyouya prods. He hadn't expected this reaction.

"I never thought you'd actually ask me," she whispers, as if letting him hear her will make him take the proposal back and say it was all a joke.

With his free hand, he pulls the ring from its box and carefully places it on her left ring finger. When he pulls his hands away, she can't help but admire it.

"You're not the only surprising one," he says before returning to his dinner and taking a bite of his sushi. For the rest of the meal, Kyouya watches in amusement as Haruhi absentmindedly nibbles at her food, eyes never leaving the back of her left hand.

ouran, pairing -- kyouya/haruhi, !fic, gift, rating -- [g]

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