[fic post] Smug

Dec 16, 2009 17:21

Title: Smug
Rating: G
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairings or Characters: Red/Green
Warnings: none
Word Count: 631
Summary: Green is getting tired of the way Red always looks at him.
Author Notes: For halclouds. I was going to sneak in a little Rival/Kotone, but Green was being a hog. Sorry. XD


Dealing with Red is kind of impossible. Not because he's quiet--Green adjusted and adapted to that ages ago--but because he's smug. He walks, not-talks, battles and wins with a smugness that even the most narcissistic, egotistical jerks spend hours working on with their reflections in a mirror, yet Red can pull off with no effort at all.

It drives him mad, to put it simply.

Green has beaten Red several times, but not even losses can wipe that smug look off his face. No one else seems to notice, because they're too busy fawning over him as some kind of ultimate opponent, and half the people Green knows don't even believe he actually exists anymore. He's become this person of myth, hiding out on his mountain top, and even when Green told him about it, he shrugged it off like nothing.

Because while he may be the most conceited jerk Green has ever met, at the same time, he is humble. He doesn't battle for money or for recognition or for titles. Red battles for the sake of battling, for the pure sport and fun that innocent kids start their journey believing in but people like Green sometimes lose along the way.

Green wonders what this bizarre combination stems from. How can he be so full of himself and yet so not simultaneously?

It's about the three-hundred and twenty-seventh time Green has climbed Mount Silver just to bring Red some dinner--the face he makes when Green arrives like his personal delivery boy is smug, too, and he's tempted to punch him--when he plops down next to him and just says it.

"You're a smug dick, y'know that?"

Red looks back at him blankly as he loudly slurps his noodles.

"I mean, I get it. You've won everything there is to win, you've beaten every gym leader all over the world, you've become the Champion in every region, you've handed almost every challenger their ass, and your pokedex has to be close to full. You're a master trainer, just like you'd always set out to be."

Red finishes his noodles and sets the cup down on the cave floor, staring with a mix of rapt attention and his usual arrogant expression. Outside, a particularly strong gust of wind blows past and Green shivers slightly, but doesn't look away. He wonders absently how Red always seems so comfortable in the cold, as if training up here has turned him into an ice pokemon himself.

"But why do you always have to look like that?" Green asks quietly through clenched teeth. Red sighs at that, as if irritated that Green doesn't get it, and that only makes him want to strangle the smug idiot even more. But then Red leans over and kisses him and Green's brain shorts out for a bit.

Green just stares in awe as Red finally pulls away, and he knows he's blushing hard from the warmth he feels in his cheeks, but there's nothing he can do about it, so he just sits there trying desperately to think of something to say. For once, though, it's Red that breaks the silence.

"I'm not the first, the last or the only master trainer there is or ever will be. But I'm the only one who gets you. Why shouldn't I look happy?"

Green takes a long moment to digest that, and his face is an even brighter red, if that's possible, by the time he finally figures out how to respond.

"That's you looking happy? No wonder I want to punch your face in," he grumbles, but Red leans over and kisses him again, deeper this time, and Green thinks less about punching him and more about digging fingers into his hair.

pokemon, pairing -- red/green, !fic, gift, rating -- [g]

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