[drabbles] 12 naruto drabbles

Apr 06, 2009 11:09

totally on my work computer right now. I love Mondays. XD

REVEYCHU WANTS NEW LAYOUT. fr srs. this one, as much as I love it, has gotten old. I wants new. D8 /whining

also, I... I finally sucked it up, a-and deleted a few of my older icons. ;o; THEY WILL BE MISSED. in place of them, I added new Shun sexiness and this naruto one, with still 3 more open spaces. XDD never can have too many naruto icons. 8D

in other news: I love writing drabbles. THEY WON'T STOP POPPING UP IN MY HEAD. I think it's gonna be a new daily/weekly thing. they're just too fun. but the titles are so much harder to come up with than the drabbles themselves. XD

no surprise, while I'll still diversify with characters/pairings (and eventually expand to other fandoms like Ouran), a majority of them are probably going to be devoted to my OTP. because Kakashi won't leave me alone (which is why they're mostly angty; to be mean to him, lol). so here, just because I love you gais, are some more 50-word-or-less drabbles. ;D fewer today because I'm leaving in twenty seconds. xD

AND JUST AS A HEADS UP, this post includes a little man on man action, woman on woman, and implied Hyuugacest. figured I'd give some fair warning for those of you who don't like it. >_>;;

Contradiction [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
During the day, he shoves her away, tells her that what she wants is wrong and will never happen. He breaks her heart again and again until she leaves him be.

At night, he wraps his arms around her and dreams that he never has to let go.

Faithfully Guarded, Remain Behind [Neji/Hinata, Naruto/Hinata G]
He hears the music begin to play, and stands with the crowd. In enters an angel in white, and while most eyes widen in awe as they lock on her, his remain on the floor.

Neji hears his heart break the second she says 'I do.'

His Welcome Home [Sasuke, G]
Sasuke returns to Konoha, what once was his home and now his target, and stares at the gaping crater created by Pain, no longer able to fight away the traitorous thought that this wasn't what he wanted.

Sisters [Hinata, Hanabi, G]
Hinata taught her sister how to paint. Hinata taught her sister how to play piano. Hinata taught her sister how to make paper cranes.

Watching her sister now, with empty eyes as she kills without flinching, Hinata wishes she had taught her sister how to love.

Tears [Iruka, Naruto, Sasuke, G]
Iruka watched in awe as Naruto cried for him and saved his life from Mizuki. He watched in sympathy as his old student cried for his dead master before training to surpass him. He now watches in detached surprise as Naruto doesn't shed a single tear for his friend.

Shikamaru Never Learns [Ino/Shikamaru, G]
"What about tomorrow then?"

"Hmm... I'll think about it," Ino smiles teasingly. The young man walks off dejectedly as Shikamaru slides into the seat beside her.

"Got a date?" he asks absently.

"Depends," she giggles at him.

He sighs and wishes he would learn to stop sitting next to her.

Chouji Is A Romantic; Ino Is Not [Ino/Chouji, G]
When he looks at her, his world gains color.

When she looks at him, she wonders if there's anything in his closet that doesn't have a food stain on it somewhere so he'll look presentable when she formally introduces him to her parents as her boyfriend.

Ignorance Is Bliss [Kakashi/Sakura, Gai, G]
Normally, Kakashi ignores every word that comes out of Gai's mouth, unless it's a challenge, and only then does he reluctantly acknowledge the odd man.

So why, when Gai mentions in passing what a lovely woman Sakura has become, can he not tune him out?

How To Cure Hangovers [Tsunade/Shizune, G]
Tsunade groans, holding her throbbing head in one hand, and absently reaches out the other. A cup of tea, made just the way she likes it, settles between her fingers and she pulls it back to take a sip. She never has to ask, and that's why she loves Shizune.

Master Plan [Sai/Sakura, Ino, G]
"That seems counterproductive," Sai points out.

"Shut up. I'm telling you it'll work," Ino sighs irritably.

"But I don't understand. Sakura keeps telling me to put more clothes on."

"Which is precisely why you have to take them off," Ino grins, and shoves him in the direction of Sakura’s apartment.

This Is Why Sasuke Hates Naruto Topping [Naruto/Sasuke, R]
"Ow! Wait a second idiot," Sasuke grimaces, trying to adjust to the mixed feeling of pain and pleasure at the intrusion.

Naruto shakes as he tries to restrain himself, until Sasuke moves slightly and he snaps, entirely willing to suffer the punishment later for the pleasure now.

Bruises [Sakura/Kakashi, R]
Sakura pants at the feel of Kakashi's fingers inside her and clutches onto his shoulders hard enough to bruise.

He'll want to pretend this never happened.

She wants to mark him so he'll never forget.

pairing -- sai/sakura, pairing -- shikamaru/ino, pairing -- neji/hinata, ramblings, pairing -- chouji/ino, !drabbles, pairing -- naruto/sasuke, rating -- [r], pairing -- naruto/hinata, pairing -- kakashi/sakura, rating -- [g], pairing -- tsunade/shizune, naruto

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