[drabbles] 21 naruto drabbles

Apr 05, 2009 11:09

Recently came across a (long dead) Naruto drabble fest, and was extremely interested in the idea. So here are a bunch of random drabbles that I just wrote over the last hour or so, all 50 words or less, of random pairings/ratings. 8D Wrote these all while listening to Beatles tunes. XD

Sunrise [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
He feels the sun on his face and welcomes the warmth. He blinks away the brightness, eyes returning to his book, and yawns.

He's lost count of the days he's been here, in the hospital by her bedside, just hoping to see her green eyes open again.

Aid and Denial [Sasuke/Naruto, G]
Sasuke would never ask for help. Sasuke would never admit he couldn't do something on his own. Sasuke would never realize he didn't have to ask for rescue from himself, even though there is someone who would always be willing to do it for him.

Baby Blue Eyes [Kushina, Naruto, G]
Kushina smiles down at the bundle in her arms. She is exhausted, still in pain, and quite a bit pissed at Minato for being a man and putting her through this. But her little boy, her Naruto, wipes all of this from her mind, and she is happy.

Exchange [Sasuke/Naruto, G]



Sasuke folds his arms, turns his head away, and decides that he will have none of this.

Naruto tackles him, wrenches his mouth open, and force-feeds him his homemade chocolate. When he succeeds, his grin widens. Sasuke grumbles but secretly enjoys his valentine's gift.

Cry Baby Cry [Tsunade, G]
It's okay to cry now, she reminds herself. There are so many days when she can't, when she forces herself to keep it inside. She can't let others see her weak on those days, but now, alone with nothing but her bottle of sake and her blankets, she can cry.

She Can't Be Discouraged [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
Kakashi told her this day would come. People had to find out, and now they will judge and mock and scorn them from afar. They disapprove, and those who are more forgiving suggest they hide their relationship. Sakura shakes her head and grips his hand tight, flipping naysayers the finger.

When Student Becomes Teacher [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
Sakura teaches him things, and he finds this utterly ridiculous.

He is the teacher. He is older, more experienced, more world-worn.

Yet with every slide of her hand against his skin and word from her mouth, she teaches him new things about being in love.

Pretty Boys Hate Losing [Neji/Tenten, G]
Neji huffs, flipping his long hair over his shoulder in dismissal, but Tenten simply grins wider and pulls him in for another kiss.

“I told you I was better,” she smiles against his lips.

Admission [Sai/Sakura, G]
“He's a freak.”

“He's an idiot.”

“He's a babe.”

The boys' eyes snap to their teammate in wide disbelief. She straightens, giving them both questioning looks, before rolling her eyes.

“Oh, what? Have you seen those abs?”

Spring [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
She won't get out of his head. He sees her everywhere, even when he's hundreds of miles away, in a country she's never traveled to and probably won't for a long time.

But the cherry blossoms bloom in this foreign land, too, and he wishes it wasn't spring anymore.

Bad Habit [Shikamaru/Ino, G]
“Smoking is a bad habit,” Ino nags. Shikamaru ignores her, staring up at the clouds. They all seemed to be shaped like flowers today. She kicks at his leg, letting him know she doesn't like being ignored, but slips a cigarette from the pack and lights up in silence.

Sweet Tooth [Naruto/Hinata, G]
Hinata has never really enjoyed sweets. But Naruto enjoys his candy, and when he kisses her with the sugar still on his tongue, she finds she's developed a sweet tooth of her own.

Why Not Just Use The Door? [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
Crash. Thud.

Sakura looks up from her book to see Kakashi stumbling out of her bathroom.

“Forgot which window was your bedroom's,” he explains, his voice slurring. She frowns, upset that he only visits when he's drunk, but doesn't complain. After all, she does the same.

All It Takes [Naruto/Sasuke, G]
“There's no saving him,” people insist, but Naruto won't be dissuaded.

All it takes to bring Sasuke home is enough love, and no one has more love than him.

Never Could Say No [Sasuke/Sakura, G]
“Kill me,” he says flatly, as if entirely sure she won't.

“Okay,” she says with a remarkable lack of hesitation, and stabs him through the heart with his own sword. “You know I could never say no to you.”

Transparent [Kakashi/Sakura, G]
Sakura sees right through him. She pretends like she can't, letting him tell her lies about how he's fine without her. She doesn't challenge him when he claims there's nothing wrong at all.

But when she gives him a sympathetic, sorrowful glance, he falls apart the minute she disappears.

Where No One Else Will Ever Reach [Naruto/Sasuke, G]
Naruto told him he wanted to know, so Sasuke lets him in. He shows 'dead last' how terrifying it is inside of his heart.

When Naruto tries to help him fight away the darkness instead of running, Sasuke doesn't know if he regrets or delights in sharing it with him.

Over [Sasuke/Sakura, G]
This is the end. She feels the blood pouring out of her, and her eyes are having trouble staying open, but she's won. She wonders briefly if he knew how much she loved him. She wonders if he understood she had to kill him because of how much she did.

Morning [Naruto/Sasuke, PG-13]
Naruto wakes Sasuke up with kisses. Sasuke wakes Naruto up with a bowl of cold water dumped on his head when he's late to meet his genin students.

He makes up for it later that night with hot sex and blazing kisses, and Naruto can't wait to sleep in again.

Pie [Naruto/Hinata, PG-13]
Naruto loves pie. Not as much as ramen, but he loves it a fair deal.

When Hinata accidentally gets hit with a pie in the crossfire of his food fight with Lee, he finds another reason to love the dessert as he licks the cream from her chest back home.

Away From Home [Kakashi/Sakura, R]
This isn't Konoha. This is some strange place where she isn't Sakura and he isn't Kakashi and this is okay. He repeats this over and over in his mind, but is continuously drowned out by her moans as he thrusts into her and bites at her neck.

rating -- [pg-13], pairing -- sai/sakura, pairing -- shikamaru/ino, pairing -- neji/tenten, !drabbles, pairing -- naruto/sasuke, rating -- [r], pairing -- naruto/hinata, pairing -- kakashi/sakura, pairing -- sasuke/sakura, rating -- [g], naruto

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