Everything all at once

Jun 27, 2024 16:58

Ugghhh - More stress. Sort of.

Town Hall meetings at work this week - nothing new nothing exciting just more of the same old same old corp speak. It feels so canned and corny and I'm no good at swallowing this stuff.... way to old and cynical I fear. Yeah reassurances that there aren't any pending layoffs with the exciting new changes yadda yadda. Moving forward, innovation etc etc etc. but so far no one has actually been able to define what the NEW RTA role looks like, or job description or what these new more exciting and interesting tasks are supposed to be. It's all a weird mixed bag... new innovation and automation (no! you're not being automated out of a job, you'll have time freed up to do more valuable work, like what? you know - innovative stuff). But then along with all the talk of innovation and automation there's this odd bit about how WFM and support staff are always a cost to the company, not a money maker, so now they're trying to sell our WFM services and that'll make us an income earner and we'll all be protected and.... yeah we're being commodified. But lots of what we're doing ... they're putting a lotta eggs in the AI basket which feels a bit like they're two steps behind. Google already tried that and found it was a disaster, but we're fully embracing it for things like QA and other WFM tasks. (although I'll give the company this they did ban the use of ChatGPT - which offended my boss's boss.... she loved using it).

I'm too old for this shit. It's not that I can't learn new software or new methods of doing old things and sure getting rid of the drudgery is nice enough (which is in reality instead of processing queue times and agent adherence in real time we're gonna feed the data into the engines in real time... not sure how that's more exciting) - but somehow feels like this, and the whole world... is taking it a bit too far and it's become more and more dehumanizing. I see value in automating a lot of things but customer service needs people. Yeah get off my lawn you damned kids.

Oh well yeah I'll keep pivoting with the job, I'll learn the new software, and keep whinging about the things (like lack of any kind of organization and documentation to these changes - oh lord we can't be affording THAT) this was never meant to be a career, just keep the food on the table. 6 years 1 month to retirement. (at which point I will be as far from the date of my birth, as my birthdate is from the turn of the century - yeah)
In other bad news / good news company's coming in a few months! EEEEEeeeep. The house the grounds everything is in a bit a state of disaster .... yeah the roof is done (yay!), and hopefully the septic and the water will be sorted by the end of this week. That's all good, but it's also the bear minimum - there's an entire household of crap to be sorted and dealt with and I'm struggling with these kinds of tasks. Still a lot of trouble with my back. It is horrifically embarrassing. The good part is that a hard deadline like that will light a fire under me, us, and we *might* get a fair bit of trash hauled out at least. But we are soooooooooo looking forward to seeing them so it's not really BAD, just realllllllllllllly embarrassing.

Speaking of the house. Investigation we learn that the provincial government grant programs to help rural folks with bigger "greening" projects, like insulation and new windows and doors and the like - they closed applications to that early. Back in February. We still should be able to take advantage of some of the federal heat pump installation rebates and assistance, but oh my word working through the application process is a bureaucratic nightmare. However, we pretty much have to do it now, this year, next year our income is going to be too high to qualify for any kind of help. We would have applied earlier, but there were road blocks like my wife's taxes, and the hold up with getting the roof done delayed all that.

We got through so much in this past year, and once the deal on the apartments was settled and then the roof finished there was that post crisis crash.... which has spiralled into mid range depression. I don't want to die LOL, I just don't wanna get outta bed... maybe these tasks are the kick in the ass I need to try and get moving on that long list of things I need to deal with but aren't.

Didn't Buckaroo Banzai promise us that the whole reason for time was so that everything didn't happen all at once?

hope springs eternal, houses, life in the real world

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