An early frost this week has put a quick end to what was left of the vegetables coming in.
One ear of corn, there were still 2 doz or so on the stalks not quite ready
All the squash and pumpkins were flowering nicely but no actual fruit yet.
Same with the watermelon
Pole beans had been doing well - got about a kg of them but they're done now
The two turnips I pulled the other day were kinda small, but nicely formed, I'll pull the rest and see where we are with that.
No popping corn, or baking beans I fear
Potatoes are probably going to be OK, it was a light frost - but they'll need harvesting this week
I need to go up and check on the grape vines
Everything desperately needs mowing, but still no cash for a new mower belt
I'll need to cover the strawberry beds
All in all kinda frustrating and annoying and I just kinda wanna cry - but I know I was late getting stuff in, and I was pushing it. Next year I think the corn at least, needs to go in a month earlier.
On the upside, we had a fabulous market day - with a certain hope and promise for the future, including a contact for a possible ongoing contract - he should be back next week with further details. One contract alone won't dig us out of the hole we're in, but at least it's one step up. And we're moving into the Christmas season at the market, lots more talk of ordering custom stuff for the holidays.
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