[He hadn't thought to ask what she had wanted when she had come out to the caves that day; he'd just seen her and decided he'd had enough. It had been simple, really: a quick hit to the back of the head, near that area where skull stopped and neck started; he'd avoided that soft spot where the actual join was, but it was close enough to make her drop, eyes closed, breathing shallow and escaping from barely parted lips. It was kind of pretty, really. Interesting to watch.
Her Pokémon were dealt with easily, after he'd stripped the capsules from her belt; he wasn't feeling cruel enough to attempt to destroy them, but he did have a Houndoom that knew how to ensure those Pokéballs wouldn't be opening anytime soon. Her boyfriend could deal with it later, he imagined. Shame he wasn't here - Cynthia was looking so pretty, all willowy limbs and long hair and stretched out on the ground in such a way that he could see where her ribs separated.
But so it goes. Truly the boyfriend's loss.
He's familiar with caves, with their structure and their limits and the things you have to go without - and when he lacks in resources, he makes up for it with creativity. If you don't have resources, you make resources, and what he has are jagged outcroppings above, extending into the main body of the cave, decent lengths of rope that he's been using to trap things, a coil of leather and a woman wearing entirely too many clothes for this to work.
He takes her jacket off, then her shirt, and then the bra beneath that; his touch remains clinical, not lingering or fondling her in the least, and though she stirs slightly she doesn't wake up. He imagines the cool air isn't going to let her stay unconscious for much longer; he reconsiders picking her up at that point and removes her shoes before he attempts.
She's very light, really. Easy to move. Graceful. This also makes her very, very easy to tie. He doesn't suspend her, leaving enough give in the rope to keep her on the ground, though her wrists are bound together more than high enough above her head to keep her teeth off the rope; he'll need it later, he doesn't need her breaking it.
He'll leave her there for now, bound and facing the wall of the cave, and he circles around behind her; he has other things to check on, after all, though he doesn't go far and keeps her well within his sight.
He wants to know when she comes around.]