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dani_blondy October 21 2007, 12:40:24 UTC
Oh I loved SPN I haven't laughed like that in like evar at the show and Sammy was such a Lil Kiddy in it.

Hee and Yar Dean was almost back to his old self.

I don't watch the other 2 Shows but Sounds like your enjoying them.

Good Luck with your computer issues Im having issues with MovieMaker it don't seem to want to make/save Brokeback Mountain Video's but otherwise any other fandom it works for lol.

Hope all is well and I will chat to you soon.


oceanicair815 October 22 2007, 16:41:10 UTC
I got my speed back, sort of.It was a Firefox problem it seems.
And yeah, Sam love. Totally. Dean, who's that? XD.
I can't believe you of all people haven't seen Torchwood. There's boy kissing involved. ;).
*Points to icon*


dani_blondy October 22 2007, 16:43:30 UTC
Yay glad to hear your problems fixed.

Yesh Sammy's a Boodiful Boy.

I have only seen lil bits of Torchwood well the Jack/Jack Gay Kiss I think it was.

Izz Picky about her Boy/Boy Pairings.



oceanicair815 October 22 2007, 17:24:21 UTC
Ew, Jack on Jack. That's bad karma, that is.
But the vid... it's fucking epic hon.
Srsly, it's like a trailer for a really fantastic movie.
Lufvs it to bits.


dani_blondy October 22 2007, 17:28:07 UTC
Lol okie re Jack/Jack I heard the MSN Tone through the headphones and walked the 3 steps to the puter.

Aww thankies I didn't do much just made it greyscale wasn't in the mood for fancy effects but me thinks it's very effective?


oceanicair815 October 22 2007, 17:39:53 UTC
Yar, it is effective. Very emotional.
Can I ask a quick question? What program did you use to make that? Was that all Windows Movie Maker or...?


dani_blondy October 22 2007, 17:43:11 UTC
Oh coolio glad you likey.

Sure you can ask.

Yups all Windows MovieMaker most of the Clips from the B/K Bin bar the Crotchy Grab and the Hug in 404 they from the eppies I downloaded.

Tee Hee.


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