You fucking ATE my Midget Gems? Prepare to die

Oct 21, 2007 13:05

So I’m gonna go all fandomy on you for a bit, because lately I’ve been talking about my own personal shit and it’s just not that exciting. First, Pushing Daisies. Oh my god, how awesome is that show? I didn’t really like the idea when I first heard it but srsly, it’s so well done. And I’m a sucker for Chuck, she’s just too cute. Also, Ned is quite the fittie.

But the black guy I have had enough of. Why doesn’t he just shut the fuck up already? Every episode he’s saying something bad about Chuck and why she’s not dead and stuff. And although Ned is involved with the whole waking dead people up for the benefits, Emmerson seems to really be in it, you know? Like, Ned does it and has some feeling towards them, but Poohy’s just a doosh about it all. And I love Olive too, how sad that she loves the pie maker. He makes fucking PIES for a living! And I loved how Ned and Chuck kissed through the cling film, and at the end of the latest ep he’s like “I need more plastic.” Too awesome, dudes and dudettes. Actually, you’re all dudes, live with it.

Supernatural, what an amazing episode. I mean, I srsly was not looking forward to it; I mean the title sounded like an episode of Lost for fucks sake. But, I was awesomely surprised by all the awesomeness. Like, how Sam’s face went when he lost his shoe. LMFAO, he was so fucking cute. And when he had to scratch his nose after Dean told him not too, come on, everybody does that. Right now, Sam is way more awesome than Dean, period. Although, Dean wasn’t an ass munch in this episode, which was nice. I think we saw more of the old Dean again, which is great. Bella, I’m in love yet again, mostly because of the accent. Fucking sexay is that. Which is weird. Don’t tell me I’m one of those greedy bi’s.

Although these two shows are awesome, they are not my favourites right now. Oh no my peeps, I have just stepped from a marathon of Torchwoody goodness, fully clothed, and I’m in love with the little Welsh dude. I mean, how cute can one guy be? I just want Jack and him to get it on big time, bumsex and evaryfink! One thing that’s weird about the show is how bisexual it is, which is strange. Like, every character has kissed or fucked another who has the same sex down there, and it seems a little forced. Like, Tosh, stop being a bilingual bisexual sista plzkthx. Lesbianism does nothing for the skin.

On a non related note, I fixed my virus problem but now my internet’s really really really slow. Like, snail speed. Actually, like a snail stuck to the floor and not moving at all. It’s fucking stupid, I called Virgin and they’re all like “there’s no problems with it, it must be your PC.” It fucking ay, bitches. It’s your bullshit crap/. I’m gonna try downloading Firefox again and see what happens. Pray for my computer, guys, pray harder than you prayed when you were being hunted by that weird axe guy. You know the one. The guy with the axe.

Spoilers for Supernatural "Bad Day At Black Rock."
Maybe spoilers for Pushing Daisies "The Fun In Funeral."
Random Torchwood stuff, mostly how awesome the Welsh guy is.

hot welsh guy, supernatural, the fun in funeral, pushing daisies, bisexualcough, torchwood, bad day at black rock

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