
Oct 19, 2007 05:33

I so hate Thursdays. I have to go to this totally retarded training thing and everyone else there are like, the dirge of Wolverhampton. Srsly. They’re all wearing dirty baseball caps and like, FILA (wtf? This isn’t the nineties!) tops and Kangol trousers with buttons down the side and yeah. I’m sure you get the picture. A room full of smelly chavs. I’m not usually such a dick about people but I just can’t stand them.

There’s this guy who sits next to me, and every single time he’s watching fucking Smackdown VS Raw on Youtube he suddenly starts up a conversation about how “awesome this wrestler is.” Dude, I only watch wrestling occasionally and it ain’t for the fighting. I made this joke about how hot John Cena is but he still won’t shut the fuck up. And he’s like, fifty! And, there’s this couple who go there who are totally ugly but they still sit in the corner and take the piss out of everyone. People who are that ugly shouldn’t talk about other people, period.

And then there’s this other guy who everyday, without fail, asks me how my girlfriend is. And it’s not even that he’s taking the piss, he seriously means it. And I’m like, totally gay. Srsly, if you met me you’d know straight away. But still, “How’s the missus?” MISSUS? WTH?! I’m like, “I don’t have a girlfriend, I’m not into girls.” But still, “How’s the missus?” Shut the fuck up already.

And the fucking teacher? Don’t even get me started. He’s like one of those guys who are like, 40 or something and thinks it’s cool to use “street lingo” which, tbh, I don’t even use myself because it’s retarded. He says stuff like “What’s gwarnin fellas?” and “Yeah, I’m down with that” and “Going clubbing tonight to link some ladies.” What the fuck? Link some ladies? First of all, mate, you’re not black and you’re not under 25 so you shouldn’t be saying stuff like that. Everyone else thinks he’s awesome but I just sit there and slowly die.

I was gonna talk about Pushing Daisies here but I can’t be arsed. Just know that I think it’s amazing and I’ll deffo be iconing it. Anyway, cya.

i'm not a dick, me, pushing daisies, random, retards, fucking chavs

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