Everyone Deserves The Flames.

Aug 19, 2007 13:33

I had the nastiest dream last night. I don’t know where I was, but all these lads wanted to beat me up. How strange. They luckily didn’t get to me, but I decided to black my own eyes, just so I could say I was beaten up. How fucked up am I? Even in dreams I’m not quite right, just the way I like it.

I have to go to this training thing tomorrow, for two weeks. Something to do with getting a job and all that. It feels like school, which doesn’t feel right at all. Still, it’s something I guess. And Ann-Marie had moderate success finding a job so hopefully that’s where I’m headed. But it feels… strange. Whatever.

Oh, there’s this women who lives down the street, and her boyfriend is fucking fit. He stopped me in the street yesterday and asked me if I wanted to go to the Greyhound (this gay pub. They have gay PUBS?!) with him sometime. I said yeah, but apparently he “isn’t gay, just loves the gays”, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, every fucking weekend after a few too many beers. But if I do go, Ann-Marie will have to come too. Keke. I cannot be trusted!

I’m watching Totally Jodie Marsh right now on MTV, and OMG, she is such a slag. She’s trying to get some random bloke to marry her for a TV show, and the tagline is “Who’ll take her up the (arse) aisle?” Subtle. Still, she seems sweet. A bit.

John got a job at a Radio station, actually interviewing celebs. OMG, he’s a shy little bitch in real life but he actually sounds like a proper radio presenter. How weird is that. Tbh, I’m a bit jealous. I could soo do that. I think he’s gay as well, fer sure. He practically said it to me yesterday but I didn’t take any notice. I feel bad; I should have said something. Oh well, there are too many guys around here who are only gay on the weekend that it’s getting a bit stupid. It’s like living in an episode of Shameless. Srsly. People are having sex in graveyards and everything.

real shiz, random

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